
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Andreas Jellinghaus
<andr...@ionisiert.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> opensc-project.org needs a new home: someone with a (real or virtual) server
> and the interest in
> setting it up from scratch and keeping it running and maintaining that
> server, installation and service
> for the project. someone who is able to win the trust of the community as
> new server administrator.
> The current installation is terribly old. It is based on ubuntu hardy and I
> think that is nearing the end of its supported livetime or even is
> unsupported now, thus it is urgently required to rebuild the server. Over
> the
> years we had several approaches and various people offered to take over
> running the server, but so far none of those worked out in the end, noone
> followed up after the initial discussion.
> To give this new efford more motivation here is some presure: running a
> server without maintenance and security updates is not a good idea. Thus I
> will shut down the current installation at the last end of this year.
> Any motivated linux administrator can setup a simple server with apache and
> a few copies of trac, plus postfix and a few mailing lists in a few hours or
> a day, with maybe a bit more time for fine tuning and migration of the
> content. This shouldn't be a big deal, thus there should be enough time to
> find someone interested in doing so and migrating opensc and related
> projects of the outdated installation.

I've had a barebones machine sitting in idle (except for being a ssh
gateway for irc...) for almost a year, but for (past) reasons not
worth mentioning, I've failed to focus sufficiently on non-real-life
matters like OpenSC for a while. This might be a good chance to a)
scope the services required for opensc-project.org and b) implement it
on a clean machine with some systematic sysadmin approach.

But for sustainable results, the scope should be seriously minimal and

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