
wouldn't it be better to move the remaining parts of the project to github ?

Is there anything else important left on the server than the wiki ?

What about the old svn repos ? We're still maintaining the opensc-java
code here in our repository but have no way to bring the code back into
opensc. We already thought about migrating this part into our repo at


Am 12.09.2012 22:03, schrieb Andreas Jellinghaus:
> Hi,
> opensc-project.org <http://opensc-project.org> needs a new home:
> someone with a (real or virtual) server and the interest in
> setting it up from scratch and keeping it running and maintaining that
> server, installation and service
> for the project. someone who is able to win the trust of the community
> as new server administrator.
> The current installation is terribly old. It is based on ubuntu hardy
> and I think that is nearing the end of its supported livetime or even
> is unsupported now, thus it is urgently required to rebuild the
> server. Over the
> years we had several approaches and various people offered to take
> over running the server, but so far none of those worked out in the
> end, noone followed up after the initial discussion.
> To give this new efford more motivation here is some presure: running
> a server without maintenance and security updates is not a good idea.
> Thus I will shut down the current installation at the last end of this
> year.
> Any motivated linux administrator can setup a simple server with
> apache and a few copies of trac, plus postfix and a few mailing lists
> in a few hours or a day, with maybe a bit more time for fine tuning
> and migration of the content. This shouldn't be a big deal, thus there
> should be enough time to find someone interested in doing so and
> migrating opensc and related projects of the outdated installation.
> Regards, Andreas
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