Il 23/09/2012 12:04, Andreas Jellinghaus ha scritto:

>     > In my mind, the SE should take over display and touch controller by
>     > hardware means, so absolutely no app can snoop user input or fake it.
>     > Too bad seems nobody really *needs* that level of security...
>     The problem with that is that is impossible for a user to distinguish
>     between a real PIN dialog and a fake ditto.  The SKS' "work-around" to
>     this particular issue is that there is an OS-based PIN dialog and that
>     keys can specify that they only accepts PINs through the system PIN
>     dialog
>     (trusted path).
I knew something that didn't need "trusted software" (in the PC) should
exist. And Finally I found it:
Seems quite near to my idea of a "really-smart card": big display to
show transaction details and button to review/confirm/cancel (and, I
hope, to insert a gesture that replaces the PIN...).
Just evolve that a bit and it's perfect :)

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