Hi Anders,

fine, just another API to access smart cards, token or secure elements -
this time using APDUs from within JavaScript. Why not ?

I just don't see the application for it. What problem are they going to
solve ?

Would I trust some foreign JavaScript code in my browser to freely
access my smart card ?

The only real justification left for smart cards, token or secure
elements is to manage cryptographic keys and to perform operations that
require some kind of trusted execution environment (e.g. card based risk
management in EMV, totalling VAT in a fiscal meter). Storing plain data
on smart cards is a left-over from the early off-line days and is pretty
much useless in an always on-line world.

Given that, there are two problems to solve:

a) Allow applications (on the desktop, on the web or as app) to access
keys on the smart card, token and secure element.

b) Manage (create, certify, import, export and delete) keys on the smart
card, token and secure element.

a) is pretty well solved using standards like PKCS#11, CSP Minidriver or
JCE. However, controlling access to the keys needs to be carefully
managed (using PIN-PAD readers or educating users to "don't leave the
key in the lock").

b) is a little more tricky, as it requires a certain level of trust in
the device where keys are to be stored. This trust level can be either
based on the central model "I - the CA - purchase the device and put the
keys into it" or the de-centralized model "I trust the manufacturer or
issuer of the device to create a genuine device".

The central model is pretty much what PKI operators are doing today:
They purchase a device and - in a trusted environment - put keys and
certificates into it.

The de-centralized model is little more complicated, as the issuer might
be a national authority, a mobile network operator, a mobile device
manufacturer, a bank or a private operation. Quite often these issuers
have no interest to allow others to issue certificates for keys on the
device they had to paid for - or they just don't see the benefit of the
next big think.

Here comes the user centric model: Let the user decide where to store
the keys and allow the CA to determine how trustful that device is:
Might be a software token, a hardware token or a hardware token with a
trusted provisioning mechanism. If the CA knows, that the keys are
stored on a genuine device and asserts that a validated identity is
linked to that key, then we don't need any further identity management

I pretty much like the StartSSL approach: Once you've proved your
identity by submitting copies of two id documents, paying a fee and
answering a phone call, they will issue certificates for "things you
own" like domains and e-mail addresses. The next level could be "keys
you own, that can not be duplicated and only stolen physically".

I guess the trusted provisioning mechanism is what we need to work on
(and already do as far as we are concerned).


Am 03.10.2012 13:23, schrieb Anders Rundgren:
> On 2012-10-03 12:08, Andreas Schwier (ML) wrote:
>> So why do you think the smart card industry has never managed to get
>> their stuff "web compatible" ?
>> Isn't OpenSC the best example that "Yes, you can access a protected
>> website / webapplication / webservice using a smart card and standard
>> based technology" works ?
>> The issue really is, that the topic at hand (PKI) is way to complex for
>> the average Doe to manage. That's always the downside: Security often
>> means complexity and comes with a price tag. And if it is complex, hard
>> to understand and someone offers some cheaper snake-oil, I probably go
>> for that.
>> Rather than exposing the complexity of the matter with a zoo of options
>> you can choose from, we need to focus on a single generic mechanism and
>> a well designed user experience.
>> It's all there (meaning S/MIME and TLS), it just needs to become a
>> little simpler to manage. So rather than re-inventing the n-solution for
>> Web-ID, SSO or One-Time-Passwords, we - as a community - should improve
>> what is already existing.
> What do you decipher from the following?
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sysapps/2012Jun/0058.html
> Anders
>> Andreas
>> Am 03.10.2012 11:09, schrieb Anders Rundgren:
>>> http://www.w3.org/2012/09/sysapps-wg-charter 
>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ew3%2Eorg%2F2012%2F09%2Fsysapps-wg-charter&urlhash=Tqzg&_t=tracking_disc>
>>> Since the smart card industry have never managed making their stuff "web 
>>> compatible" before, I assume they will fail this time as well.
>>> Anders
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    ---------    CardContact Software & System Consulting
   |.##> <##.|   Andreas Schwier
   |#       #|   Schülerweg 38
   |#       #|   32429 Minden, Germany
   |'##> <##'|   Phone +49 571 56149
    ---------    http://www.cardcontact.de

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