2012/12/11 Viktor Tarasov <viktor.tara...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,


> for a while we have no news about migration of trac&wiki to the dedicated
> platform.
> Meanwhile, waiting for better solution, I migrated OpenSC wiki to github [1]

Great job. Thanks.

> (Only wiki pages, not tickets.)

I hope we can migrate the tickets using a tool and not only by hand.

> The OpenSC Wiki pages in github are converted into 'textile' format.
> The rapid script used for this conversion, the archives with the dump of the
> OpenSC sub-project wiki pages and
> wiki attachments are also present in wiki repository. (Files are not
> accessible with GUI -- you need to clone repository. [2])
> Using these files and archives the Wiki of the other OpenSC sub-projects can
> be also migrated to github.

All the subprojects are in the OpenSC wiki. Maybe we should migrate
their wiki pages to their own github wiki repository.
But I don't know how easy that would be. It looks like the subprojects
do not have many wiki pages.

> I do not yet looked 'manually' through all the wiki pages to update
> existing, suppress obsolete or add new information.
> I will do it gradually and invite you as well to participate in this
> exciting activity, if you have will, possibility, time, etc...
> If you notice any 'systematic' conversion error, tell me please, I will
> change the conversion script and re-submit the pages .

Some pages can be removed like [1] and [2] since they are about trac.


[1] https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC/wiki/WikiFormatting
[2] https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC/wiki/Using-HTML-in-Wiki-Text

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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