My 2 cents here:

If you want a distribution that works, MAKE IT

I'm investing time of my own into OpenSim and making sure that the
modules that I created ALWAYS work with the latest versions of Core.

Some people even ask me sometimes why I take the time to make sure
that the modules I created or that I contributed on work with both a
release version but also the trunk.

Simple answer: I want to make sure that even a simple soul can
download, drop in a module and have it working.


2009/10/1 Frisby, Adam <>:
> Well, to be honest OpenSim is designed so you don’t need to compile
> something to install a module.
> It should be just dumped into the OpenSim dir as a .dll, and it should be
> picked up and loaded automatically – so people doing modules; you can ship
> binaries, and they will be reasonably compatible with a range of OpenSim
> versions (but occasionally yes they will need to be recompiled to work
> against trunk – especially during big internal shakeups). But that’s up to
> you.
> Adam
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Joshua Garvin
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 September 2009 4:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] OpenSim 0.7 Release Candidate with ALL working
> OpenSim Modules
> Mark's comment wasn't very well organized or thought out.  It was basically
> just an explosion of his frustration with OpenSim.
> But that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a few good points hidden in
> there.
> I believe that looking at most other software projects in the world, you
> would find that "core" or "base" products did not come into existence in a
> vacuum.  They were developed with a specific end product in mind that solved
> an immediate need and/or desire.  The developers of the end product most
> likely worked heavily on the core products. The effect of that end product
> was the world getting to see how great the technology is.  Once people see
> the possibilities your core provides, they will build other great products
> from it.
> I don't intend to say that the first end product has to share a repository
> with the core code.  Just that there needs to be an end product being work
> on by core developers.
> Do you need to include _every_ module in your releases?  No.  But you have
> to do whatever it takes to make using the most common modules as easy as
> possible.  If half or even a 5th of your potential users want module X, then
> it's fairly important that it's easy to install without knowing c#.
> You can do all of this the other way around -- but you're only hurting your
> own popularity.
> Be excellent to each other and party on dudes!
> - Joshua
> _______________________________________________________
> Joshua Garvin
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Melanie <> wrote:
> Holdit!
> OpenSim is NOT A PRODUCT. OpenSim is a BASE other people can make a
> product out of. So, OpenSim aims to include as little as possible,
> distros are the ones who will put it together and relicense it as
> they see fit.
> OpenSim Core is not a maker of distros. We are not a product
> company. We are a loose association of people who share an interest.
> We don't _want_ to make a "product", because we can't support a
> product. We make "bits and pieces" and let those with support staff
> handle productizing it.
> Melanie
> Mark Malewski wrote:
>> Diva,
>> *>> It would just be nice to get everything integrated back into core (or
>> as
>>>> OpenSim modules).
>> *>This would be terrible. *
>> Diva, please explain WHY would having a working OpenSim distro be
>> terrible?
>>  Having something that actually "works" is terrible?  In my opinion, just
>> the opposite is true.
>> You can spend your whole life developing things (that no one actually
>> uses,
>> and that don't actually work or do much of anything, and that no one will
>> ever use) or you can make a WORKING product that is usable, and that is
>> to use, and that people will use.
>> You seem to prefer the latter.
>> *> I think you, and maybe others here, may need to understand better this
>>>concept of extensible systems. That's at the very core of OpenSim from
>>>the beginning, even before I started contributing -- OpenSim is not an
>>>application, it's a platform with which to build applications.
>> *
>> I think you need to sit down and understand the concept of "working
>> product".  You also need to stop confusing "extensible system" with "not
>> working" product.
>> PHP, and Apache are what I would consider "extensible systems".  PHP is
>> easily downloaded, and it works (out of the box).  Yet it comes with many
>> different modules (as part of the default distro) and those modules have
>> all
>> been thoroughly tested, and can easily be enabled by simply uncommenting
>> out
>> the module name in the default.ini file.
>> to include hooks and mechanisms for expanding/enhancing the system with
>> new
>> capabilities WITHOUT having to make major changes to the system
>> infrastructure.
>> OpenSim doesn't seem to be "extensible".  OpenSim seems to be "broken".
>>  There is a big difference.  Maybe your definition of "extensible" means
>> that it requires a rocket scientist just to get the trunk to even compile
>> (or even work), and takes hours and hours of debugging code, just to get a
>> module to even work.  That isn't my idea of "extensible".
>> I understand over the past few months, the server infrastructure (and
>> architecture) has been changing quite a bit.  It's hard to even tell if
>> ModRex (or any other modules) even work with the current OpenSim trunk (or
>> latest build) at this point.
>> The average layperson doesn't want to spend hours and hours trying to
>> compile from source, or debugging code, or searching for plugins/modules
>> that may (or may not) exist, and even worse many of them may not be
>> updated,
>> or may not even work with the current OpenSim as "core" evolves.  Often
>> times many of these modules are not updated, and most have no clue how to
>> even build from source, and for this reason it might be good to just have
>> VERY simple "turn-key" distributions available for download. (Stable
>> releases)
>> Similar to how RealXtend has done in the past.
>> I supposed I could sit down and begin working on creating a fully
>> configured
>> VMWare image  of OpenSim with various modules installed and configured,
>> that
>> people could easily download, and be up and running in a few minutes
>> (without having to hunt for various modules, or applications), or sifting
>> through outdated wiki pages trying to figure out how to even get started
>> or
>> even get up and running, but to be honest most people just want something
>> VERY easy to use, VERY easy to setup, and would love a nice GUI interface
>> (like WixTD, etc.) that they can use to administer the server, add users,
>> etc.
>> Most laypeople don't want to hire a software engineer, or a programmer,
>> just
>> to get OpenSim to compile, or even get a module working, or just to get
>> OpenSim running on a machine.
>> If I want to use a plugin with Firefox, I've NEVER had to compile or debug
>> code.  If I want to enable a PHP module, I've NEVER had to debug any code.
>>  Most modules are included in the default distro, and modules can easily
>> be
>> turned on and off, by simply "enabling" them in the default ini
>> (configuration) file.
>> In my opinion, you may be confusing "extensible system" as an excuse as to
>> why nothing should work properly.
>> In my opinion, EVERY single working module that exists for OpenSim should
>> be
>> included in the default distro (in the modules directory), and these
>> modules
>> should ALL be disabled by default, but can be easily enabled by simply
>> uncommenting out ONE single line in the default.ini configuration file.
>> Include EVERY single working module with the default OpenSim distro, so
>> users have a list of default working modules that are regularly updated so
>> that they actually work (and are not broken), so that when a stable
>> release
>> comes out, a user can just enable or disable whatever modules they wish to
>> use (by uncommenting out a line or two in the default .ini configuration
>> file) and those modules are in the modules directory, and can easily be
>> enabled by just uncommenting out a single line in the default ini
>> configuration file.
>> The problem is, it seems like a herd of cats are headed in all opposite
>> directions, and people really just want something that actually works.
>>  Diva, is that honestly too much to ask?
>> There are Applications and there are Operating Systems.  What do you call
>> OpenSim?  Is it an Application or an Operating System?  (or is it
>> neither?)
>> When I say "works", I'm talking about someone can download OpenSim, and be
>> up and running (designing things from within the OpenSim Application
>> platform such as creating 3D content, in-world).  Not sitting down and
>> downloading source code, or attempting to figure out how to learn C# or
>> C++
>> or how to write a module, just to get simple things running.
>> The thing that made RealXtend so popular was that it was easy to use, and
>> they had distros that were already setup and ready to use (even with a
>> nice
>> "beneath the sea" demo world as part of the distro).
>> Keep in mind that most of the people interested in OpenSim as a 3D
>> development platform are laypeople, and are graphics designers (and Second
>> Life users) that are NOT Computer Science majors, and are not engineers,
>> and
>> really don't know ANY programming languages (some may know a bit of Java,
>> or
>> HTML, or LSL), but most don't even know C++ or C# nor would they have any
>> idea how to even compile or build from source.  They just want to use
>> OpenSim to design 3D content, and create their own virtual world.
>> Do you expect a web developer to know C? or C++? or C#?
>> Try thinking of OpenSim as a "3D Web Server" for users (similar to
>> Apache).
>>  Yes, Apache is extensible, and many modules can be written for Apache,
>> but
>> most of the common modules are already tested and included with the Apache
>> distro.  Modules are tested, and included with all the latest releases,
>> and
>> users can easily comment (or uncomment) out a single line in the default
>> configuration file, and have the included modules working.
>> So I believe the key to making OpenSim widely adopted as a "usable"
>> platform
>> for 3D developers, would be to make OpenSim easy to use (so that ANYONE
>> can
>> get up and running in less than 10 minutes).  I believe every single
>> tested
>> module should be included with the default distro's.  So that users can
>> easily enable/disable whatever modules they want, and users know that the
>> modules included with each distro have been tested, and are working
>> modules.
>> At this point in time, does ANYONE actually know what works, and what
>> doesn't work?  Do we actually have a working distro, with working modules
>> (that have been tested to work) with an actual OpenSim release?
>> Since 0.7 release is supposed to be coming out soon (in a week?) is there
>> any way that we can stop development, and begin testing all the OpenSim
>> modules, and add all the OpenSim modules (that have been tested and are
>> working) to an OpenSim 0.7 release candidate?
>> RealXtend does a very good job of doing this (with their old distros), but
>> now that ModRex is integrated with OpenSim core, we're back to the drawing
>> board again.
>> If someone wants to enable ModRex, they should just be able to uncomment
>> out
>> a line in the default .ini file, and all the features of ModRex should
>> work.
>>  If someone wants to enable currency, they should just be able to just
>> uncomment out a line in the default .ini file, and now the currency module
>> should be enabled.
>> Why not make things SIMPLE and EASY to use?
>> If someone wants to write a module (and wants it included with the OpenSim
>> distro) then it needs to be tested, and once it has been tested (and
>> confirmed to work) then it can be included with the OpenSim distro.  This
>> way at least we know what modules work (and are tested).
>> OpenSim has evolved so quickly, that I'm not quite sure what modules even
>> exist (or even work) at this point, and I have a few old distro's running,
>> but I was too scared to even upgrade because everyone said that "OpenSim
>> is
>> currently broken" (due to all the latest changes) and people really just
>> really want a WORKING distro (with working modules).
>> I'm still running OpenSim 0.62 and ReX Server 0.4 on my local machines
>> simply because it has been months where things have been completely broken
>> (as OpenSim trunk would not even compile) and OpenSim has been making some
>> backend changes and I'm still not even sure that ModRex/RealXtend even
>> works
>> since it has migrated over to OpenSim?
>> I think your definition of "extensibility" and "extensible systems
>> architecture" is different from mine.  I believe in having something that
>> ACTUALLY WORKS (out of the box), and extensibility means that new
>> capabilities could EASILY be added without having to make changes to the
>> system infrastructure.
>> Your definition of "extensibility" seems to mean, nothing works,
>> everything
>> is broken, and you need to hire a software engineer just to get a few
>> basic
>> modules up and running.
>> In my opinion, "extensibility" means that all the various modules would
>> come
>> by default with the default OpenSim distro, and they could easily be
>> turned
>> on (enabled) or turned off (disabled) by simply uncommenting a line in the
>> default.ini file.  Similar to PHP distro, or Apache server, or various
>> other
>> platforms.
>> Either OpenSim is an Application or it's an Operating System.  Since it
>> doesn't run on bare metal, I certainly would NOT call it an Operating
>> System, therefore I would consider it a software Application.  I would
>> consider OpenSim a 3D development platform.
>> In my opinion, I would consider OpenSim a Server platform (software
>> application) and you need both the OpenSim Server (platform) and a
>> compatible Viewer to make OpenSim work.
>> The problem is that OpenSim has evolved so much (and so quickly) that much
>> of the Wiki documentation is outdated, no one is quite sure what even
>> works
>> at this point, and what doesn't work at this point. There is no list of
>> recently "tested" modules (that are known to work with the current
>> build/latest distro).
>> Most "noobs" just really want a distro that they can easily download
>> (maybe
>> in a VMWare format) so they can just fire up a pre-configured image, and
>> be
>> up and running in minutes (instead of days or weeks).
>> I'm willing to help test, and I'm willing to help with documentation, and
>> I'm willing to even create "distros" that are easy to use (and that are
>> tested and working) but it seems like nobody is working together.
>> What if we just STOPPED developing, for just ONE week, and worked together
>> on creating an actual distro?  Just a working (and well tested) distro,
>> that
>> is thoroughly tested, that is STABLE, and that has all the OpenSim modules
>> working with it?
>> Then release it as a OpenSim 0.7 release.
>> That's all I ask.  Then after OpenSim 0.7 release candidate comes out (and
>> it well tested, and all the modules from the OpenSim GForge are tested to
>> work and be compatible with the 0.7 release, and then we wrap everything
>> up,
>> and release it as a working distro!
>> Just halt development for 1 week, and just focus on bug fixes, and getting
>> the modules to all work so we can just have a nice OpenSim 0.7 release
>> candidate, with lots of working modules (that are all tested) and are
>> included in the default distro.
>> People can still choose what modules they wish to enable, but at least
>> include all the known working modules with the default distro (or create a
>> "vanilla" distro, and a "full distro" with the OpenSim 0.7 Release).  That
>> way one has the working modules, and the other doesn't have the working
>> modules.
>> But this way at least we can have an actual TESTED release candidate, that
>> has all the working OpenSim modules (with updated documentation).
>> I'm willing to help with documentation, and testing, but I just want to
>> see
>> an actual release candidate (with working modules) come out.
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 2:03 PM, <> wrote:
>>> Mark Malewski wrote:
>>> > It would just be nice to get everything integrated back into core (or
>>> > as
>>> > OpenSim modules).
>>> This would be terrible. We're going in the opposite direction, which is
>>> to have a minimal core and let people do their own extensions as they
>>> wish, hopefully replacing the heck out of the reference implementations.
>>> I think you, and maybe others here, may need to understand better this
>>> concept of extensible systems. That's at the very core of OpenSim from
>>> the beginning, even before I started contributing -- OpenSim is not an
>>> application, it's a platform with which to build applications.
>>> Some extenders of OpenSim may want to get together and try to make their
>>> extensions work with each other. That's great and desirable. But let's
>>> not prevent innovative ideas from emerging by throwing a massive
>>> feature-full application out there as "OpenSim".
>>> Diva / Crista
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