This is not a keep it / kill it discussion. The SQLite connector is there. This is about someone stepping up to do the required improvement work. Neither Mel nor I nor Justin will do it. If no one does it, that connector will be outdated and unusable -- that's the definition of 'dead code'. Dead code will be removed. This happened to the NHibernate connector already the last time we changed the DB schema.

So if someone cares for OpenSim+SQLite, now is the time to put your love into code to the benefit of all. If no one cares, it will die.

On Jan 4, 2010, at 12:11 PM, Daniel Smith wrote:

As a developer of other things, but a user of OpenSim, I would say 'keep sqlite'.

Keep the barriers to entry as low as possible. If someone wants to try out OpenSim, make it easy for them. Put your end-user hat on for a moment.



On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Robert Martin <> wrote:
Just adding my thoughts given that XAMP is very easy to setup (heck it
would be simple to just have a pre-setup XAMP module as an add-on
download) sqlite is not really needed.

side question i have a diva install where the DB crashed midway during
the first  migration stage do i need to dump the tables and start

Robert L Martin
Opensim-dev mailing list

Daniel Smith - Sonoma County, California

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