Thanks Ai for the very thorough and informative links.
I am considering taking a stab at re-implementing what I have here into a
Unity environment, so I am trying to learn as much as I can before I take
the leap, so the site is here....
may be a clip here

The difficulties I am expecting right off the bat is how I can create an
interface in a unity 3D world that would mimick the content creation and
control board I describe on the site (in this case, teachers
collaboratively build scenarios, and collaboratively control what the
students see in 'practice space' (where the world is actually immersive
...a representation of the map on the board)
The other thing is that, each objects in the library are deeply scripted,
some directly malleable (parts can be moved through clicks) collaboratively
e.g. a house with all objects there in, and some NPCs talk to servers and
so on to do intelligent things ... some buildings have all the conference
tools etc.. etc.. white boards, video viewers, u know the usual.
 I feel that it will probably be useless for me to invest in creating a lot
of library objects with deep functionalities, if the platform itself cannot
be accessed by most users.

Since I have no Unity3D experience whatsoever, could you, may be based on
your gut feelings, let me know if the application at can be
reimplemented in unity3D. From what I understand it will be a long road.

Thanks Ai, just to let you know, I started using opensim, only I read about
your work :)

On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 6:04 PM, Ai Austin <> wrote:

> My own experiments with Unity a while ago can be found via this link to
> Unity related posts in my blog...
> <>http://blog.
> A reasonable single post summary is at
> <
> unity3d-with-multi-user-chat-voip-and-collaboration-tools/>
> unity3d-with-multi-user-chat-voip-and-collaboration-tools/
> This included a bit of work with multiuser servers including SmartFox and
> Proton (the free to use versions for up to about 50 avatars), voice
> alongside the application, use of a shared whiteboard and presentation tool
> alongside not inside Unity, etc.
> I created a simple I-Room virtual collaboration space as a learning
> exercise, and scripted some teleporters, web page and image serving
> screens, etc.
> Tipodean did a Collada mesh conversion for me of the OpenVCE collaboration
> region from an OAR and we moved that into Unity for tests but with no
> scripting.  You can try Tipodean's systems and their other demos at
> See
> You might also look at the work John (Pathfinder) Lester has been doing in
> Unity3D and the Jibe framework for multi-user interactions, but that is
> commercial and not available as open source.  See
> And I believe that the next version of Unity will incudes a multi-user
> server setup. See
> The issue as I see it is that such systems will be isolated islands with
> small or separate user communities. It will take some time to build new
> communities such as we have with Second Life or OpenSim/Hypergrid.
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