Perhaps this can be approached as a "bootstrap" recursive problem,  in the
sense that what many of want is an environment that improves
collaboration,    and that to get there we need a great deal of

That suggests that the tool-set that should move up to almost first in
priority are the tools that USE virtual reality in order to improve the
process by which we work and design improvements to virtual reality.

In other words,   if your own team or department does NOT currently prefer
to meet in virtual reality over face-to-face,   let's focus on what we can
change to improve things for THAT sub-population,  because any improvements
there will pay off with massively compounded interest.

Can we make Virtual Reality augmented reality literally "better than being
there"?    Seems like we should be able to discuss and evolve what would be
the perfect world for virtual world designers to meet in and collaborate
in, with a little thought, once, and then evolve improve it over time.


On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Justin Clark-Casey <> wrote:

> ...
> However, arriving at these formats and solving other hard fundamental
> problems takes an enormous amount of time and effort, not only through
> writing code but also in discussion and co-operation between parties with
> different interests.  My hope has always been that the platform will become
> interesting enough to attract the critical mass of academics, enthusiasts
> and entrepreneurs who can generate the time and funding required.  To some
> extent this happened but not enough (as of yet) to win any significant
> attention outside of this niche.

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