From part I, we know we can stuff commands from the outside world to a LSL script at a decent rate. It's time to build something a little bit more sexy than a Perl script.

A good choice of language is HTML + Javascript. Because we can build pretty sophisticated UI's. And because we can fold the UI inside the simulation world at no extra cost using MOAP.

Lets's rez a prim and put this script inside:

Copy the url from the chat window. Be careful not to include a leading space.

Now, head up to

Full source code available at :

Install it on a web server, or just use my web page to test.

'Name' holds the name or UUID of an object. When entering a name here, a call is made to a name-to-url resolver, and the result is written in the 'URI' field. Think to it like a DNS.

The resolver is not included in this release. For now, bypass it pasting the url (the one you copied from the chat window) into the 'URI' field of the web page.

Below is an array of sliders and buttons (Thanks John Judnich for the original code) When moving them, a message name=value is sent to your script.

The example script changes the prim's color. Param1 is red, Param2 green, Param3 blue. You catch the idea, this is just a demo app. Everything that can be controlled by script (and that's a lot) can be controlled from the outside world in real-time. You may want to change my 20ms throttling (application.js, line 54).

Warning : I use JSONP to overcome the same-origin policy (application.js, line 68 : $.getJSON). This may fail with some web browser. If it don't work first, try another browser.

Let me know if it works.

-- Jeff

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