  Thanks for posting to my thread.  My widget is a little different, I
have the Content Type defined as URL.  Which I believe maybe my
problem.  I think when you have the Content Type defined as URL, then
any calls to opensocial will fail since the opensocial javascript
library exists on a different server then the one defined within the
URL.  And (as far as I can see) I don't see any references to the
opensocial javascript file in my generated code.

   So I'm wondering if there is a way around this.  I highly doubt
that I'm the only person who is attempting to create an OpenSocial
Widget using GWT, so I'm very curious to see how others have been able
to call the opensocial API from their GWT code.

   I did read somewhere that someone was working on an OpenSocial
"connector" for GWT, but I haven't seen anything regarding that expect
for one post on (at least I believe that was the

   Anyway,.. I'll continue to experiment.

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