I just noticed that one of our production apps is having similar issues, we are 
using the control tabs library in our app over here- 
http://www.orkut.co.in/Main#AppInfo.aspx?appId=813891887046 the tab links like 
"<a href="#tagger">Tag People</a>" take people to gadget xml ie. 
http://j8.bitrhymes.com/tagme/tagme.xml#tagger instead of staying on the same 
Our's is not a iframe/url based app, it was running perfectly fine until 
recently when this problem cropped up. We didn't make any changes to the code 
at our end.

> Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:57:34 -0700> Subject: [orkut-developer] Re: 
> Application showing xml code, downloads code in any event in hom epage> From: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: opensocial-orkut@googlegroups.com> > > Hi Manoj. If 
> you have any application-specific problems, please reply> with a URL to the 
> app so I can help you debug. This saves me from> having to guess what the 
> problem could be and gets you an answer> quicker.> > Are you by any chance 
> using <a href="#"...>? This has caused some> issues in the past similar to 
> those mentioned earlier. If so, replace> these with <a 
> href="javascript:void(0);"...> and let me know if the> problems go away. If 
> not, reply with the URL and a set of steps I can> use to reproduce the 
> problem, and I'll look into it.> > - Jason> > On Oct 17, 6:18 am, halosys 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > Hi,> >> > We have a open social application 
> which used to work fine few days> > back,> >> > Now also it displays gadget 
> with css & images and default value> > obtained from DB in home page.> >> > 
> After that when I do click event on any image, it shows xml code or> > 
> downloads it with message ‘seems style element could not be found in> > this, 
> document tree is as below’, in firefox, IE 6.0, 7.0> >> > We have checked the 
> code, found nothing wrong.> >> > What could be going wrong, if can be pointed 
> will help us test app> > consistently.> >> > Thanks> >> > Manoj> 
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