This is crazy. Can I have a reasonable and logical response please?

On Oct 28, 5:32 pm, scrapur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hii
> Sorry Friend You are Not Ignore Of The Fact Orkut Doesnot allow
> External Links ,Plus Twitter is displaying Link Using Tinyurl and This
> can affect Orkut User Security .
> As you Hv Seen Orkut  Always want confirmation For Visiting any Link
> and yrs apps need not provide any Confirmation plus users are ignore
> what is inserted indide the twitter link,
> You are also ignore of that fact that one user affect Lakh of profiles
> using Twitter So  think its Better for you not to thnk for this apps
> to approve. Sorry 4 This.
> Thanks
> hwked wrote:
> > I recently submitted my opensocial app, TwitKut, to the orkut apps
> > directory. What it does is, it displays your recent twitter updates on
> > your profile page. I believe it is very useful for people who use
> > twitter a lot and want to update their orkut friends ( including me ).
> > In response, I got the following email:
> > Hi,
> > Thanks for submitting your app.  At this point, orkut is trying to
> > highlight the social capabilities enabled by the OpenSocial API, and
> > isn't
> > adding apps that don't leverage the new APIs.  To engage your users
> > and
> > make your app more social check out these best practices for some
> > tips:
> >
> > Regards,
> > The orkut team
> > Unfortunately, the functionality of my app is such, it does not leave
> > much room for adding any further social aspects to it. There is also
> > no app on orkut making use of the twitter api. It's disappointing to
> > get such a response after having worked so hard on an app :|
> > the xml is this:
> > What can I do to allow my app to be accepted?
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