Thanks a lot....will have to stick to the dialogue box then.

On Jan 7, 4:35 am, Aakash Bapna <> wrote:
> Currently its not possible to send message to an array of id's passed. You 
> can use the parameter OWNER_FRIENDS or VIEWER_FRIENDS, the message will be 
> sent to friends whose name the user type's in the popup box.
> Thanks,Aakash Bapna> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 19:49:58 -0800> 
> Subject: [orkut-developer] Sending message to multiple selected friends !!!> 
> From:> To:> > > Hi 
> ,> > I am using following code for send invite to selected friends only,> 
> their IDs are stored in globalselectedfrndnms but some how its NOT> sending 
> the message. But if it's just one user it sends the invite> properly.> > 
> function sendEmail()> {> var params = [];> 
> params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE]="Hola!";> var body="Join community";> 
> var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params);> //alert("IN SENDMAIL");> 
> var recipient = globalselectedfrndnms;> //alert(recipient);> 
> opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message);> };> > Please guide me on 
> this for sending emails to only selected friends.> > Thanks,> Shrikant.> > 
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