I try to run the file DysplayFriends.java that I downloaded form
google code.
I created an application on orkut site that run.
I installed it on my profile.
I changed

The file run only with default values.
If I run with my values I receive that error:
Request failed:
org.opensocial.client.OpenSocialRequestException: Entry not found
        at org.opensocial.client.OpenSocialJsonParser.getEntryObject
at org.opensocial.client.OpenSocialJsonParser.getEntryObject
        at org.opensocial.client.OpenSocialJsonParser.parseAsPerson
        at org.opensocial.client.OpenSocialResponse.getItemAsPerson
        at org.opensocial.client.OpenSocialClient.fetchPerson

 at samples.DisplayProfileData.main(DisplayProfileData.java:44)
this is line 44 :
  OpenSocialPerson person = c.fetchPerson("myuid");

This is opensocialJsonParser method with error:

private static JSONObject getEntryObject(JSONObject root)
      throws OpenSocialRequestException, JSONException {

    JSONObject entry = new JSONObject();

    if (root.has("data")) {
      entry = root.getJSONObject("data");
    } else if (root.has("entry")) {
      entry = root.getJSONObject("entry");
    } else {
      throw new OpenSocialRequestException("Entry not found"); //line

    return entry;
The VIEWER ID is for example when I view my profile, isn't it?

Why can't I run that file with my values?
Thanks a lot

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