These have been renamed to osx:NavigateToApp. Please change your code.I
posted this in thread:
Repasting here:

Hi Folks,
We have renamed the orkut specific functions and these are the stable
You'll have to use a different namespace to use these: xmlns:osx= "";
You can add this to your script tag

The renamed functions are as follows:

 os:xNavigateToApp -> osx:NavigateToApp
 os:xNavigateToPerson -> osx:NavigateToPerson
 os:xParseJson() -> osx:parseJson()
 os:xDecodeBase64() -> osx:decodeBase64()
 os:xUrlEncode() -> osx:urlEncode()
 os:xUrlDecode() -> osx:urlDecode()

Please update your code to use them, and test them on sandbox. Once things
look settled, we'll start turning on the profile views on


P.S. e.g  see the use of osx:NavigateToApp in the following snippet

<script xmlns:os=""; xmlns:osx= ""; type="text/os-template"
require="viewer, vfriends">    <b>Owner ${}'s
    <li repeat="${ofriends.list}">
      ${Context.Index + 1}/${Context.Count}: ${name.familyName},
      <b if="${ ==}" title="ID:
${id}">(is this you, ${name.givenName}?)</b>
    <br><b>You were kicked by ${}</b><br>
    <osx:NavigateToApp>Start Kicking</osx:NavigateToApp>

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:58 AM, Paulo Ferreira de Moura Junior <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> is there any problem with <os:xNavigateToApp> processing? I have this
> template on my application inside the profile view content:
> <div class="gwt-Hyperlink ww-updatestream-elements"
> title="${Msg.updateStreamLocationTooltip}">
>   <os:xNavigateToApp>${update.location.locationName}</os:xNavigateToApp>
> </div>
> Everything was working fine, but suddenly my application stop showing any
> links to my application on profile view. I opened my HTML page source and
> there was no text where it should have the application link. The result was
> this:
> <div class="gwt-Hyperlink ww-updatestream-elements" title="Ver detalhes de A 
> Grande Muralha">
> </div>
> Following the Apurv Gupta's suggestion given in this message (
> ), I
> removed the parameter sanitize from url an reloaded the page. Now, the
> text of links are rendered, but it's not possible to click on this text.
> When I looked at the HTML source, I noticed that the <os:xNavigateToApp>
> tags are not processed, so that's why they're removed on profile view
> (because of the sanitize parameter). This is a HTML fragment output without
> this parameter.
> <div class="gwt-Hyperlink ww-updatestream-elements" title="Ver detalhes de A 
> Grande Muralha">
>   <os:xNavigateToApp>A Grande Muralha </os:xNavigateToApp>
> </div>
> Is anybody facing the same problem?
> Thanks!
> >

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