I am also having this problem

my gadget:


I hope it's fixed soon


On Mar 25, 12:32 am, "chris14...@googlemail.com"
<chris14...@email.com> wrote:
> Hi Vijaya,
> I hope you're the right person to contact about this. I just received
> the app rejection notice quoted below. I have not submitted any new
> app for approval! There is no reply-to address on the message so I'm
> posting here.
> It seems someone has copied the xml file from my IQ Test application
> and uploaded it to another server, then submitted the app for
> approval, leaving my email address intact in the file!
> Please could you ensure that any actions of this user are not
> associated with me and that they are barred from launching any IQ-
> related application as this is a clear copyright violation.
> The URLhttp://kidebengala.my3gb.com/teste2.xmlis not one of my
> servers.
> Please could you also ensure that my genuine IQ Test application is
> not affected by any action you might take against this developer.
> Many thanks,
> Chris Claydon, profile.to
> -----------
> Hi,
> Thanks for submitting your orkut application __MSG_iqtest__ 
> athttp://kidebengala.my3gb.com/teste2.xml.
> We've been playing around with your app and have some feedback for you
> before we can approve it.
> There was an error in fetching your app.
> Please do resubmit your app when you have fixed the above.
> To ensure a speedy review, please make sure you are following the
> orkut developer 
> guidelines:http://code.google.com/apis/orkut/docs/orkutdevguidelines.html
> Also see the 'Lifecycle of an orkut Application' page, which talks
> about how you can test you app and ensure it is safe from 
> attacks.http://code.google.com/apis/orkut/articles/applifecycle/applifecycle-...
> Please post any questions in the orkut developers 
> forum:http://groups.google.com/group/opensocial-orkut
> There are lots of developers that can help answer and everyone can
> benefit from the discussion.
> Regards,
> The orkut team
> On Mar 6, 7:55 pm, Vijaya <api.vij...@google.com> wrote:
> > We have fixed the issues in the similarity filter and have tightened
> > the checks. We have also added the feature to report the URLs of the
> > failing sites, when apps are rejected for 40x errors.
> > Please post any questions or concerns you have regarding the app
> > review process.
> > Thanks for your patience,
> > Vijaya

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