
I still not understanding.

How to run my  app in the sandbox? If I put the app URL in the
browser, it's only take me to app itself in my server.

Where's the sandbox by way?  There's so many sandbox, none working
fine. (That's a fact, just look at this forum)

So I cannot understand what are you saying.

I've read from another post that I should click on my app from the
sandbox, but
WHEN I can get there, it only shows the already approved apps, not the
ones wainting for approval.

Maybe I'm going to another sandbox.

Im sorry buddy, but I still need more info.
It seems that I am not smart enough for Orkut.

On Feb 10, 11:58 am, Bruno Oliveira <bru...@google.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> To get your appId, run your app in sandbox, then look at the URL. It's going
> to be something like
> http://sandbox.orkut.com/Main#Application?.....appId=00000000000&;...
> That's the AppID!
> Once you give me the AppID's, I'll be happy to check what's going on!
> Just to check: did you look in your spam folder? Maybe the AppReviewer
> messages are being directed there...
> Sorry for all the trouble. The development process is a bit
> counter-intuitive and relies on a lot of undocumented knowledge, so to say
> (like the process for knowing one's own AppID). We're working on making it
> better!
> Thanks,

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