today I got another series of identical emails which look like so:

- The app took too long to load. Some of the possible reasons for this
(1) perhaps you are displaying a modal dialog (popup). If this is the
case, please remove the popup;
(2) perhaps the code that executes when the page loads is taking too
long to finish.Are you doing too much processing? An infinite loop?
Are you performing a synchronousoperation involving the network?;
(3) perhaps you are trying to load too many resources (images, media,
scripts, etc). Perhaps it's best to cut back on resources or load them
later instead of trying to do that when the page is first shown;
(4) there might be a vulnerability in the way user-generated-content
is rendered, that is, perhaps there is a way to exploit your
application to make it run arbitrary code. Please sanitize all user-
generated content, including names, comments, messages, titles and
other fields.

I checked and all mentioned apps are loading just fine and fast. It
looks like another false positive.
Not to mention no popups are used and also some of the apps in uestion
are so light that do not use external scripts or any images - and yet
I get these emails. Other apps do use scripts and images but that
should not be an issue since modern sites all use images. All images
are cached btw.

Is it neccessary to send this kind of emails?


On Feb 17, 12:00 am, "Bruno Oliveira (\"btco\")" <>
> Yes, for now AppReviewer doesn't know who got the name first, so he sends
> both authors the same warning about the duplicate name.
> We'll figure out (and tell everyone) how we'll deal with this kind of
> situation when we're ready to launch AppReviewer for real. For now, consider
> the name clash detection feature as a beta feature... no one's app will be
> removed for name clashes yet.

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