Could you explain why W3M is needed on Solaris.  The FastTrack doesn't
seem to indicate what need it fills.  Dan has suggested elinks is a
better text-based web browser.  Did we consider elinks?  What made us
want to integrate w3m instead of other alternatives?


Shi-Ying Irene Huang wrote:
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.66 04/17/08 SMI
> This information is Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        W3M
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Rick Ju
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       27 May, 2008
> 4. Technical Description
> 1. Introduction
>    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>         w3m  a text-based WWW browser
>    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>         Author:         Rick Ju
>         Sponser:        Irene Huang
>    1.3. Date of This Document:
>         05/11/2008
> 2. Technical Description:
>     2.1. Details:
>      w3m is a text-based web browser as well as a pager like `more' or `less'.
>      With w3m you can browse web pages through a terminal emulator window
>      (xterm, rxvt or something like that).  Moreover, w3m can be used as a
>      text formatting tool which typesets HTML into plain text.
>      w3m has support for tables, frames, SSL connections, color and even 
> inline
>      images on suitable terminals. Generally, it renders pages in a form as 
> true
>      to their original layout as possible.  And W3m is small. Its stripped
>      binary for Sparc is only 260kbyte.
>      w3m locally run cgi scripts to test html output (requires *no* 
> webserver).
>      w3m keystroke compatible with lynx and support the keybindings customize.
>      w3m support SSL through the openssl library. And w3m could support 
> cookies.
>      Table rendering algorithm in w3m
>      HTML table rendering is difficult. Tabular environment of LaTeX is not 
> very
>      difficult, which makes the width of a column either a specified value or
>      the maximum width to put items into it. On the other hand, HTML table
>      renderer has to decide the width of a column so that the entire table can
>      fit into the display appropriately, and fold the contents of the table
>      according to the column width.  Inappropriate column width decision makes
>      the table ugly.  Moreover, table can be nested, which makes the algorithm
>      more complicated.
>      1. First, calculate the maximum and minimum width of each column. The
>         maximum width is the width required to display the column without
>         folding the contents. Generally, it is the length of paragraph
>         delimited by <BR> or <P>. The minimum width is the lower limit
>         to display the contents.  If the column contains the word
>         `internationalization', the minimum width will be 20. If the column
>         contains <pre>..</pre>, the maximum width of the preformatted
>         text will be the minimum width of the column.  2. If the width of
>         the column is specified by WIDTH attribute, fix the column
>         width using that value. If the specified width is smaller than the
>         minimum width of the column, fix the column width to the minimum
>         width.
>      3. Calculate the sum of the maximum width (or fixed width) of each column
>         and check if the sum exceeds the screen width. If it is smaller than
>         screen width, these values are used for width of each column.
>      4. If the sum is larger than the screen width, determine the widths of
>         each column according to the following steps.
>          1. Let W be the screen width subtracted by the sum of widths of
>             fixed-width columns.
>          2. Distribute W into the columns whose width are not decided, in
>             proportion to the logarithm of the maximum width of each column.
>          3. If the distributed width of a column is smaller than the minimum
>             width, then fix the width of the column to the minimum width,
>             and do the distribution again. 
>     In this process, distributed width is proportion to logarithm of maximum 
> width.
>     The algorithm above assumes that the screen width is known. But it is not
>     true for nested table. According the algorithm above, the column width of
>     the outer table have to be known to render the inner table, while the 
> total
>     width of the inner table have to be known to determine the column width of
>     the outer table. If WIDTH attribute exists there are no problems.
>     Otherwise, w3m assumes that the inner table is 0.8 times as wide as the
>     outer table. It works fine, but if there are two tables side by side in an
>     outer table, the width of the outer table always exceeds the screen width.
>     To render this kind of table correctly, one have to render the table once,
>     check the width of outmost table, and then render the entire table again.
>     Netscape might employ this kind of algorithm.
>     2.2. Interfaces:
>            Exported Interfaces
>                 Interface        Classification    Comments
>                 --------------- ---------------    -----------------------
>                 w3m CLI           Volatile         See w3m-help.txt
>                 $HOME/.w3m/config Project Private  w3m Configuration 
> information
>                 SUNWw3m           Uncommited       w3m end-user packaging 
> contains binary, libraries.
>                 SUNWw3m-l10n      Uncommited       Localization.
>         Imported Interfaces
>                 Interface        Classification        Comments
>                 --------------- --------------- -----------------------
>                 HTML/XML/HTTP       Stable           These specs are defined
>                                                      W
>                 OpenSSL             Volatile         PSARC/2003/500
>                 Firefox             Volatile         LSARC/2008/158
>                 GTK+                Committed        LSARC/2006/202
>                 libpng              Volatile         LSARC/2006/202
>     2.3. Doc Impact:
>          Man page is needed.
>     2.4. Packaging & Delivery:
>          SUNWw3m (base package)             - application i.e binary, 
> libraries
>          SUNWw3m-l10n (localization)        - Localization.
>     2.5. Dependencies:
>          w3m depends on OpenSSL, Firefox, GTK+, and libpng.
>     2.6. L10N Impact:
>          There are string changes. Hence this should be taken care.
>     2.7 Security Impact:
>         None. 
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               Desktop
>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open
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