On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 02:57:42PM -0800, John Plocher wrote:
> Re: Using the filesystem's underlying block/sector/whatever info as part
> of the crypto chain
> Naive question: Won't this break in situations where the encrypted data
> file is moved between dissimilar filesystems?  Or am I misunderstanding that
> part of the conversation?

I imagine two approaches:

1) let lofi read/write from the backend in some specified block size,
   but use 512 byte (or whatever other appropriate constant) blocks for
2) let the lofi block size be as specified

(2) would have to be kept constant at all times for any one lofi device,
    else decryption will fail.  This is what I meant by more options ->
    worse UI.

If (1) can be done automatically, so much the better.


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