On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 18:19 +0000, Darren J Moffat wrote:

> > In addition, I think we need a better customer-facing description of
> > what security is and is not provided by this mechanism -- for instance,
> > it's intended to provide confidentiality in the event that the
> > underlying media is stolen, but not in the event that the underlying
> > media is subject to arbitrary manipulation by an attacker.
> Agreed but is this really architecture or advice for the man pages ?
> In other words does the ARC need to see this wording to approve this case ?

This is architecture.

Because the IV is fixed for any given block, lofi may repeatedly encrypt
different plaintext with the same {key, IV} combination, which is an
"off label" use of the cipher mode. 

                                        - Bill

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