> I would like to see a minor clarification to the
> nreq argument in ddi_set_nreq(9f).
> It's not clear to me if nreq means I want nreq
> more interrupts than I have now, or if it means
> I want nreq total interrupts, including the n
> that are already allocated to me. I think it's
> the latter, but the man page should be more
> specific about it by stating that nreq is the
> total number of interrupt resources (including
> those already allocated to the device instance)
> that this instance of the device driver would
> like to use.
Thanks David. yes, nreq is the total number of interrupt
resources that the driver would like to use including those
already allocated to it. ddi_intr_set_nreq(9f) man page
will be updated with this change.


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