I see. Then we'll wait until solaris power management team decides the 
final stability level of libpolkit, before we continue with the contract 
(if needed).

Gary Winiger wrote:
>> Gary Winiger wrote:
>>>> libpolkit interfaces
>>>> --------------------
>>>> Interface level: Volatile 
>>>     Why are these  Volatile?  If they remain Volatile, 
>>>     won't any consuming case need a contract?  I presume
>>>     LSARC/2007/702 GPM to be a consumer.  Shouldn't there
>>>     be a prototype contract as part of this case
>> Yes, we are working on the contract.
>> The contract will be exactly the same as 
>> http://sac.eng/Archives/CaseLog/arc/LSARC/2007/702/contracts/contract-desktop-battery.txt,
>> which was signed by this team and JDS.
>       I must say that contract is not very clear.  As I would say
>       about the supplying case materials.  I should have paid closer
>       attention to the details.  I'm not concerned with the HAL/DBUS stuff.
>       I guess I'm doing that now with this case.
>       I'm concerned with the polkit authorization interpretation
>       and the RBAC Rights Profiles.  Those are Solaris administative 
>       interfaces which I believe need a higher stablility than is
>       afforded by Volatile.  Having cross consolidation contracts
>       for private or Volatile APIs is one thing, but saying that
>       the authorizations and Rights Profiles names and function can
>       change at patch boundaries concerns me.
> Gary..

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