On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 02:59:45PM -0800, John Fischer wrote:
>     4.5. Interfaces:
>          Exported Interfaces
>         Interface               Classification            Comments
>     ---------------             ---------------    -----------------------
>     SQLite3 CLI                     Volatile
>     SQLite3 API                     Volatile
>     SQL92 features                  Volatile       SQLite3 implements most 
>                                                    of SQL92 and the 
> unsupported 
>                                                    features might be added in 
>                                                    the future.

I would like the actual classification to be better than Volatile for
any SQLite 3.x interfaces that are stable according to the SQLite 3.x
documentation (i.e., not explicitly called out as obsolete or

I don't think all those interfaces need be listed here.  Just the
version of SQLite 3.x from whose documentation the stabilities will be
derived and the algorithm (e.g., "stable in SQLite -> Uncommitted, or
even Committed; obsolete in SQLite -> Obsolete Volatile; experimental in
SQLite -> Volatile; private in SQLite -> Project Private") will do,

I'm not an ARC member.  Will an ARC member make this request on my

>     /usr/bin/sqlite3                Volatile      
>     /usr/lib/libsqlite3.so          Volatile       
>     /usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0        Volatile       
>     /usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0.8.6    Volatile       
What's "0.8.6"?

>     /usr/lib/pkgconfig/sqlite3.pc   Volatile
>     /usr/include/sqlite3.h          Volatile
>     /usr/include/sqlite3ext.h       Volatile    
>     /usr/share/man/man1/sqlite3.1   Volatile

All the above path names should be Committed, except the versioned .so

I'm not an ARC member.  Will an ARC member make this request on my

>     4.6. Doc Impact:
>          man page for sqlite3(1)

There should be a manpage for the library as well (the actual functions
types and macros need not be documented in any manpages though).

Will the SQLite3.x HTML documentation be delivered as well?  I think
that would be useful.

I'm not an ARC member.  Will an ARC member make this request on my



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