On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 01:49:29PM -0600, Brian Cameron wrote:
> I believe the main reason the JDS team wants these interfaces to be
> Volatile is so that other Sun groups that wish to depend on the
> interfaces sign contracts with us.  This way the JDS team can manage
> the interfaces moving forward.  The JDS team does not want other
> teams to depend on interfaces, then get hit by a bug, and expect
> the JDS team to fix their bugs for them.
> As has been pointed out, there is no reason other teams can't work
> directly with the SQLite project to make it work for their needs.
> If they have a contract in place with the JDS team, then they can
> expect our team to work with them to help avoid problems on upgrade.

Making this Volatile does not achieve what you describe (causing others
to have to sign contracts with the JDS team).

> For example, we would provide them with pre-release test packages
> so they can make sure their project works with the new release
> before it goes into Nevada, and work with us to fix any bugs that
> might be found.

Going with Uncommitted or Committed would save you all this work.

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