On 9/21/06, Casper.Dik at sun.com <Casper.Dik at sun.com> wrote:
> >Sounds you like being a little sadist and punish users with /sbin/sh.
> >Casper, could you elaborate why Sun is not willing to address the
> >problems with /sbin/sh and isn't even willing to support an
> >alternative, pls?
> The current ARC case is about ksh93 integration; it is not about
> replacing /sbin/sh with ksh93 or changing root's default shell.
> In the context of the ARC case, your question does not make sense.

No, it makes sense in the context of this ARC case. /sbin/ksh93 would
be an alternative for boot scripts. /sbin/sh is a pain in the ass and
I am wondering why an alternative is not even considered
     //   Martin Schaffstall
    //    EMail: martin.schaffstall at googlemail.com
\\ //

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