John Plocher writes:
> Roland Mainz wrote:
> > Darren J Moffat wrote:
> >
> > > pfexec
> > Yes, but disabling the builtins is not that easy. 
> If a shell script exec()ing chmod needs pfexec, why wouldn't a program 
> that dlopen()s libcmd and calls libcmd::chmod() directly also need pfexec()?
> This implies that the fix needs to be in libcmd and not in ksh93

It can't be in libcmd, because those external programs themselves will
link to libcmd to get the implementation there.  You'd just recurse

In order for this to work, either (A) all applications using libcmd
must become smart enough to know when to do exec() instead or (B) no
application other than a /usr/bin/* utility implemented by way of
libcmd should ever link against libcmd.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <james.d.carlson at>
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