On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 16:50:31 +0100 Darren J Moffat wrote:
> Joerg Barfurth wrote:
> > One way to fix this would be to place the ksh93 versions of the builtins 
> > into the file system (e.g. as /usr/ast/bin/chmod)  and have pfksh93 
> > pfexec that. Unfortunately that also requires all pertinent profiles to 
> > be updated to specify the /usr/ast/bin/* version as well, whenever it 
> > has one of the corresponding /usr/bin/* commands.

> I'm not really comfortable with that.  Yes it would work but it exposes 
> a lot of ksh93 implementation details into the RBAC profile system.

how about we get to a point where we think we have done everything
possible to pfksh93 before seeping into profile changes
progress is being made on security-discuss

-- Glenn Fowler -- AT&T Research, Florham Park NJ --

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