Joseph Kowalski <Joseph.Kowalski at> wrote:

> > From: Joerg.Schilling at (Joerg Schilling)
> ...
> >     You are not allowed to change the behavior of his program without
> >     an OK from the author of program xxx that is going to replace this
> >     program soon.
> That seems a bit strong.  And you'ld qualify as the author of tar?
> Isn't all that is needed is a better "contact interested parties" mechanism?

Of course, this is why am so annoyed. I did have a long (real face by face) 
discussiuon with Jeff Bonwick in September 2004 (long before the changes in 
question have been made to SUn tar).

We did even talk abut a prober way to support ACLs and other feartures
so Jeff definitely did know that the way the old ACL implementations have 
been implemented in Sun tar is non-portable and reprecated. I did asume that
the ZFS team would contact me before repeating a mistake from the past.

> I don't know how to do this, but I once thought that some mechanism involving
> a parallel source tree where mail addresses could be dropped into a file.
> A posting mechanism would construct the mail distribution from any given
> point in the tree downward.  (Needless to say, don't post from /usr/src.)
> Anyway, multiple developers colliding is a fact of life.  I think the key
> is to may discovery of those developers easier.
> Anybody want to work on a "Who ya gonna call?" mechanism?

What would happen if a similar problem did happen with only Sun emplyees 


 EMail:joerg at (home) J?rg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       js at                (uni)  
       schilling at     (work) Blog:

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