James Carlson <james.d.carlson at Sun.COM> wrote:

> Casper.Dik at Sun.COM writes:
> > >However, unless there were some _extremely_ compelling reason to do
> > >so, I'd be unlikely to be in favor of the sort of blanket ban you seem
> > >to be suggesting.  Development in Solaris isn't a matter of famous
> > >personalities, and we don't have kings who get the final say in
> > >particular areas.  Instead, it's about the technology.
> > 
> > But in some sense, James, such a "blanket ban" exists.  Any change of
> > the behaviour of a program needs to go through ARC, C-team review, etc.
> That's not what Mr. Schilling seemed to be requesting.  He was
> specifically asking to have a current project team be told that they
> must have their plans OK'd by the author of some future project.

NO, I am not talking about a _future_ project but about a project that has
already been accepted in the past.


 EMail:joerg at schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) J?rg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       js at cs.tu-berlin.de                (uni)  
       schilling at fokus.fraunhofer.de     (work) Blog: 
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily

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