Worth noting:

'man' pages are wholly inadequate to document some jar files; one  
would be in the awkward position of enumerating all the classes, and  
possibly all the methods/constants in those classes.

There are jar files that are nothing but interfaces, some that are  
interfaces and code, some that are mostly code.  I don't think a man  
page will ever be in a position to do anything but a very coarse (and  
therefore risk) job at documenting what's the stability.


On May 12, 2009, at 3:28 PM, Mark Martin wrote:

> Margot Miller wrote:
>> Hey All,
>> I am derailing this case as it misses the non-controversial  
>> requirement
>> for a fast track and would like an email vote on this case by
>> Friday May 15th.
>> My impression from today's meeting was that LSARC will have
>> a future case that will address the issue of how to publicize  
>> interface
>> classifications for jar files and that it was okay for this project  
>> team and
>> other teams to optionally ship a man page for a jar file.  This  
>> would be setting
>> precedent.
>> Below is the proposed verbiage for the opinion.
>> The project team is delivering a man page for the java jar file.   
>> It was
>> noted that this is not standard practice as most Java developers look
>> for java documentation via javadocs, not via man.  However, others  
>> stated that
>> having a minimal man page for a java jar file would allow the  
>> interface
>> classification to be visible to the end user and a few other ARC  
>> cases have
>> shipped these man pages.   This case proposes letting the project  
>> team and
>> others optionally ship a man page for a jar file.
>> I vote against.
> I'm presuming you're voting against this case as spec'd, with the  
> offered opinion, correct?  The project team hasn't been given a  
> chance to make any advised or required modifications, so it seems a  
> bit imprudent to deny a case in that manner.
> The intent here is that the man page inclusion precedent will be set  
> here and now, right?  If the vote sustains for approval with a man  
> page, then there's no need to bring another case forth, right?   
> Seems like Jim's gap would be addressed in that case.  Or should the  
> "optionally" token in the opinion text be taken as a failure to  
> cover the gap?
> On the topic, though, I think Jim brings a very good point -- how  
> does the project team communicate the expected stability?  Lloyd  
> brings an interesting solution with the use of Java Attributes as  
> documentation decoration, although I have a few issues with it on  
> technical grounds.  For those not on the call, I see the problem as  
> this:
> At some point, Sun must have established the precedent and the  
> _expectation_ that stability levels of most types of interfaces were  
> to be expressed to consumers of those interfaces in the man pages.   
> I'm sorry I can't quote chapter and verse.  This is, as far as I'm  
> aware, a communication norm that I don't see in other systems, Sun  
> originated or otherwise.  Java certainly does not have it as part of  
> any standard, nor does Linux, as we discussed in the bsh vs.  
> beanshell debate in PSARC.
> As we're ramping up integration of java components, we're creating  
> new gaps from old practice.  One of these is the nomenclature  
> surrounding the naming of the jar files themselves (jars as  
> "libraries"), which I won't go into here.  The other is the point  
> which Jim raised -- there's currently no expected way to communicate  
> stability level other than man pages.  Adding man pages to java jar  
> projects (projects which deliver only .jars) _feels_ wrong, since  
> the consumers of these jars aren't going to expect to find a man  
> page -- they're on a very different usage model than most other  
> consumers of C libraries and command line interfaces.  Consumers in  
> this case typically use JavaDocs as their source of API information,  
> and that _feels_ like a better place to put that information.
> If the man pages are explicitly NOT to be delivered with "jar"  
> projects, then where is the stability level expressed?    If in  
> JavaDocs, then what does that look like, assuming we need precision  
> for that nomenclature?
> Does the very same taxonomy even apply to jars?   The current  
> taxonomy is, as a core component of its definition, dependent on  
> release versions of Solaris.  Obviously, java jar's are more tightly  
> coupled to Java versions than on OS release versions, no?
>> Thanks,
>> Margot
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Lloyd Chambers
lloyd.chambers at sun.com
GlassFish Team

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