Agreed. OpenDS should probably replace the legacy SunDS 5.x stuff. The biggest 
pain for SA's and companies is that the documentation for configuring native 
LDAP auth from scratch on Solaris is broken, incomplete, or just plain missing 
from the JES or Solaris documentation. This is critical if Sun wants people to 
use their product to retire NIS and NIS+ in the field. It might even be worth 
while to have some basic and advanced integration for configuring a native LDAP 
auth server and client for Solaris/Unix. Most of the current Sun documentation 
focuses on using LDAP for applications, but doesn't really scratch the surface 
setting it up from scratch for normal login/accounting auth. 

Octave J. Orgeron
Solaris Systems Engineer
unixconsole at

----- Original Message ----
From: Warren Strange <>
To: opensolaris-arc at
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 6:35:19 PM
Subject: Re: OpenDS Integration into OpenSolaris [ LSARC/2008/691 FastTrack 
timeout 11/19/2008]

I'm rather late posting to this thread. 

I just went through the excercise of getting OpenDS working for native LDAP 
authentication. The process is documented here:

There were quite a few tweaks that needed to be made to OpenDS to get it work 
(fixing ACIs, importing sample schema).  

It would be great if the integration did all this stuff out of the box 
(including creating some sample user/group entries).  The process as it stands 
to get client ldap going is a pain in the ass. 

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