It sounds like we are done with the discussion of this case.

1. the onepager has been modified to show installation into /usr/ 
opends instead of /opt

2 /usr/opends and /var/opends are uncommitted interfaces, not volatile

3.  user ldap, group ldap will be used. The user will be delivered as  
a non-login account (NP) rather than locked account (LK), and will  
have an RBAC role.

If there are no further comments, I am marking this case as approved  
at the close of business today, Pacific Time. The timer expired on the  

On Nov 19, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Nicolas Williams wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 12:21:05PM -0500, James Carlson wrote:
>> Nicolas Williams writes:
>>> OK, then we're left with a marketing issue.  OpenLDAP will be in / 
>>> usr
>>> but OpenDS in /opt.  If that can confuse customers as to which we  
>>> intend
>>> to support the best (e.g., we'll keep OpenLDAP up to date but we
>>> actually maintain and develop OpenDS, but a customer might  
>>> conclude the
>>> opposite from the filesystem locations of these things), then  
>>> perhaps
>>> the i-team should reconsider.  In any case, marketing issues as  
>>> not ARC
>>> issues, so if leaving this in /opt is allowable then I have no  
>>> further
>>> comment.
>> ?
>> I was agreeing with the move to /usr.
> Oh, then I'm really confused.  Pardon me.

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