On 12/19/08 11:21 AM, George Vasick wrote:
> Byron Servies wrote:
>> On 12/17/08 04:15 PM, Raj Prakash wrote:
>>> 4. Technical Description:
>>>    4.1. Details:
>>>     - Existing GCC 3.4.3, GNU Runtime 3.4.3, and GNU Binutils 2.15 will
>>>       remain unchanged in /usr/sfw/.
>>>     - The latest community versions, GCC 4.3.2, GNU Runtime 4.3.2, and
>>>       GNU Binutils 2.19, will be ported to OpenSolaris and installed 
>>> in /usr/compilers/gcc432.
>>>     - Softlinks to commands in /usr/bin, e.g. /usr/bin/gcc, will be
>>>       created point to /usr/compilers/gcc432/bin.
>>>     - Softlinks to commands in /usr/gnu/bin, e.g. /usr/gnu/bin/cc, will
>>>       be created pointing to /usr/compilers/gcc432/bin.
>>>     - Libraries in /usr/compilers/gcc432/lib and 
>>> /usr/compilers/gcc432/lib/{MACH64}
>>>       will be linked into /usr/lib and /usr/lib/{MACH64}.
>> So you are proposing to have the program referenced by 2 different 
>> names in 3 different places?
>> Could you not at least make "gcc" be "gcc" everwhere (and prefix all 
>> the other commands with "g") to make it impossible to confuse them 
>> with the Sun variants?  This is both common practice, and all the 
>> packages provide for this via the "--program-prefix" option.
> We are following the convention already established in OpenSolaris with 
> gcc 3.4.3:
>  ls -l /usr/gnu/bin/cc /usr/bin/gcc /usr/sfw/bin/gcc
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    14 2008-12-11 12:56 /usr/bin/gcc -> 
> ../sfw/bin/gcc*
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    17 2008-12-11 12:56 /usr/gnu/bin/cc -> 
> ../../sfw/bin/gcc*
> -r-xr-xr-x 3 root bin  88320 2008-12-11 12:56 /usr/sfw/bin/gcc*

Just because it has been done doesn't make it a good idea.  Having all 
the different names and links makes upgrades hard and consistency moot.

Pick a location.  Pick a name.

> I also see a similar pattern on Ubuntu Linux where both cc and gcc are 
> links to a gcc command with a suffix, e.g. gcc-4.3.

On Ubuntu, gcc is the only possible compiler.  Having conflicting 
options, etc., is not a possibility.  On Solaris, the Sun compiler will 
be the 'cc' command (and the make command), and it is not compatible 
with gcc.

Byron Servies
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
1 (831) 621-9807 / x81182 voice
1 (831) 621-9807 fax
mail to: byron.servies at sun.com

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