Bart Smaalders wrote:
>> Add a CLI utility to administer the file contents.  Don't rely on 
>> "vi" as the only administrative interface.
> For simple interfaces, we sort of manage, although we've punted
> on massive amounts of those as well, and I don't see the resources
> dedicated to addressing the problem.
And that's what this whole discussion boils down to, isn't it?

Everyone wants everything integrated and integrated fully.  In a
world of unlimited resources, everyone would be happy.[1]

Unfortunately, we don't live in such a world.  To pick on names,
Bart *seems* to want a much "stuff" as possible, with minimal
effort.  Garrett *seems* to want only as much "stuff" as we can
do with full integration (and even additional requirements).  This
isn't architecture.  Its a business decision.

Unfortunately, executives are notorious about not being clear about
the decisions and worse yet, each executive seems to have a different
take on the business.  Its part of the charter of the ARC to try and
make sense of these conflicting desires.

My plea is that we try not to take diametric positions.  We are
chartered to find the "sweet spot".  Absolute positions don't
serve any of us well.  Sure, we would always like to have some
"big rule" to fall back onto, but that just isn't practical.  The ARC
members are supposed to be chosen for "judgment".  There is
a reason for this.

- jek3

[1] It seems that some still wouldn't be happy.  See "star".  It
     seems to question the value of "full integrated", but I believe
     that is a clearly minority opinion.

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