"I. Szczesniak" wrote:
> As the case is specified it gets my +1 but I still have some minor questions:
> On 4/21/09, Garrett D'Amore - sun microsystems
> <gd78059 at sac.sfbay.sun.com> wrote:
> >
> >  I'm sponsoring this fast-track request on behalf of Roland Mainz and the
> >  ksh93-integration project.  It consists of more commands being converted
> >  to use internal ksh93 builtins.
> >
> >  Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
> >  This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
> >  1. Introduction
> >     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
> >          more ksh93 command conversions
> >     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
> >          Author:  Roland Mainz
> >     1.3  Date of This Document:
> >         20 April, 2009
> >  4. Technical Description
> >
> >  Please note that this is an *open* case.
> >
> >  The release binding is the same as with the previous ksh93 project: a
> >  patch/micro release of Solaris delivering through OS/Net
> >  Stability levels are as described below.
> >
> >  Additional materials (man pages and diffs) can be found in the
> >  'materials/' subdirectory.
> >
> >  This project is an amendment to the Korn Shell 93 Integration project
> >  (PSARC/2006/550, PSARC/2006/587, PSARC/2007/035, PSARC/2008/094,
> >  PSARC/2008/344, PSARC/2009/063 and PSARC/2009/248) and depends on
> >  PSARC/2009/248, specifying the following additional interfaces:
> >
> >  1) An enhanced version of the "cksum" utility and an identical ksh93
> >   built-in command
> >  2) An enhanced version of the "head" utility and an identical ksh93
> >   built-in command
> >  3) An enhanced version of the "join" utility and an identical ksh93
> >   built-in command
> >  4) An enhanced version of the "logname" utility and an identical ksh93
> >   built-in command
> >  5) An enhanced version of the "mkfifo" utility and an identical ksh93
> >   built-in command
> >  6) An enhanced version of the "tail" utility and an identical ksh93
> >   built-in command
> >  7) An enhanced version of the "tee" utility and an identical ksh93
> >   built-in command
> >
> >
> >  Bug/RFE Number(s):
> >
> >  6793763 RFE: Update /usr/bin/ksh93 to ast-ksh.2009-03-10
> >  6828692 RFE: Update /usr/bin/cksum to AT&T AST "cksum"
> >  6805812 RFE: Update /usr/bin/head to AT&T AST "head"
> >  6805813 RFE: Update /usr/bin/join to AT&T AST "join"
> >  6828644 RFE: Update /usr/bin/logname to AT&T AST "logname"
> >  6805814 RFE: Update /usr/bin/mkfifo to AT&T AST "mkfifo"
> >  6790507 RFE: Update /usr/bin/tail and /usr/xpg4/bin/tail to
> >         AT&T AST "tail"
> >  6805819 RFE: Update /usr/bin/tee to AT&T AST "tee"
> >
> >
> >
> >  Interface                         Stability        Description
> >  ---------                         ---------        -----------
> >  /usr/bin/cksum                    Commited         cksum command
> >  /usr/bin/head                     Commited         head command
> >  /usr/bin/join                     Commited         join command
> >  /usr/bin/logname                  Commited         logname command
> >  /usr/bin/mkfifo                   Commited         mkfifo command
> >  /usr/bin/tail                     [1]              tail command
> >  /usr/xpg4/bin/tail                [1]              XPG4 tail command
> >  /usr/bin/tee                      Commited         tee command
> >
> >  [1]=Stabiltiy for /usr/bin/tail and /usr/xpg4/bin/tail is "Commited"
> >   except for "Uncommited" options "-q"/"--quiet" which are
> >   GNU-only and option "-b" which is now "Commited Obsolete".
> Could you elaborate the difference between Committed and Committed Obsolete?

See the other emails - both mean it's a "Commited" interface but
"Commited Obsolete" means "try to avoid using it". The original idea was
based on the comment in
http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/tail.html which
-- snip --
This version of tail was created to allow conformance to the Utility
Syntax Guidelines. The historical -b option was omitted because of the
general non-portability of block-sized units of text. The -c option
historically meant "characters", but this volume of POSIX.1-2008
indicates that it means "bytes". This was selected to allow reasonable
implementations when multi-byte characters are possible; it was not
named -b to avoid confusion with the historical -b.
-- snip --
Somehow I interpreted this that "-b" was part of the standard long ago
and later removed (but some research after Don Cragun's comments showed
that I was wrong in this case).

In any case we keep the "Commited Obsolete" status but will not remove
"-b" for interoperabilty and backwards-compatibilty (actually "-b" was
added for newer versions of AT&T AST "tail" to be fully compatible with
Solaris's /usr/bin/tail) and we even try to keep it for Solaris 3.x

> >  The stability of the "/usr/bin/cksum" command and built-in
> >  command-line
> Are the built in commands specified in this ARC cases bound to /bin
> like the existing ksh93 built in commands?

Yes... somehow I hoped that the phrase 'stability of the
"/usr/bin/cksum" command and built-in and command-line" is good
enougth... but I can re-phrase it if gdamore or someone else from ARC
things it needs to be clarified.

> > interface and the system variables documented in
> >  cksum(1) and specified by IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 is "Committed".
> Why are you explicitly referencing IEEE Std 1003.1-2008? Isn't Committed 
> enough?

That's intended to be a wave with an axe, following the original rule of
the ksh93-integration project "... we _first_ conform to POSIX and
_then_ add features on top of it and we're _NOT_ breaking the POSIX/SUS
test suites in _any_ case...".
Or short: We conform to IEEE Std 1003.1-2008.
Additionally the manpage describes lots of features beyond the POSIX/SUS
specificcation and therefore I added links to the IEEE Std 1003.1-2008
manpages that people who need to write portable scripts can check which
features are defined by the standard and which are extensions from our



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at nrubsig.org
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 3992797
 (;O/ \/ \O;)

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