On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Don Cragun <dcragun at sonic.net> wrote:
> Jason King wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:16 PM, James Carlson <james.d.carlson at sun.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Jason King writes:
>>>> After lots of reading, rereading, parsing, and reparsing, I believe
>>>> using getopt_long(3c) to process the arguments, with '+' being the
>>>> first character of the option string, gives the desired behavior
>>>> (without breaking any standards).
>>> Yep; I think you're on the right path.
>> Upon further investigation, this will not allow optional long
>> arguments (I thought it did), so now I'm at a loss, and my head hurts
>> from trying to decipher what is, what isn't standard conforming.
>> So, I will simply ask, is there any facility in Opensolaris that supports:
>> 1. Long and short options, where there might be long options that
>> don't have corresponding short versions
>> 2. Long arguments that can have optional parameters of the form
>> --option=FOO, or --option but not '--option foo')
>> 3. Long arguments that can have mandatory parameters of the form
>> --option=FOO or --option foo
>> 4. Doesn't break POSIX or SUS standards.
>> If so, what is the correct invocation to achieve this, because I seem
>> unable to figure it out.
>> getopt_long(argc, argv, "+......", longopts, &indexptr) apparently
>> requires all parameters to long options as mandatory. ?I.e. 'ls
>> --color' does not work. ?My understanding is getopt_long(argc, argv,
>> "....", longopts, &indexptr) where the first character is not '+'
>> allows argument reordering and is therefore not posix compliant (but
>> does allow --option[=FOO]. ?It looks like "-....." for the short
>> option string might, but at this point I've given up trying to
>> understand the getopt_long manpage as everything I think i've
>> understood it, I find yet another case to prove me wrong, so please
>> anyone who actually understands this, please comment.
> Hi Jason,
> I helped spec out, write, and debug getopt_clip(); but as you have noted
> that won't work unless all long options have short option equivalents
> (and getopt_clip() doesn't like optional option-arguments).
> The leading "+" in the string pointed to by the shortopts parameter only
> forces the POSIX/SUS/CLIP requirement that command line parsing is not
> allowed to reorder arguments on the command line; it doesn't affect
> optional option-argument processing.

Then this sounds like a bug in getopt_long -- a leading '+' it does in
fact make all long option-arguments mandatory.  I thought that's what
it should do, but since it doesn't it was making me doubt my
comprehension abilities :)

Actually reading the code it would appear that in this section:
the last statement (line 498) shouldn't be there.  Would you agree
that is a bug (the removal FLAG_OPTIONAL_ARGS when POSIX mode is set)
and not in fact an architectural issue?

> My reading of the getopt_long() description is that if the element of
> the getopt_long() struct option array pointed to by the longopts parameter
> has name set to "color" and has has_arg set to
> optional_argument (as defined in <getopt.h>), getopt_long() should recognize
> either of the following as a valid invocation with --color:
> ? ? ? ?ls --color [other options]... [operands]...
> which is used when the optional option-argument is not present
> or ? ? ?ls --color=value [other options]... [operands]...
> when the optional option-argument is present. ?The getopt_long()
> function will not recognize "value" in:
> ? ? ? ?ls --color value
> as an optional option-argument because it can't be distinguished from
> ? ? ? ?ls --color operand
> where operand is a command line operand instead of the optional
> option-argument.

That would be what I would expect as well.

> I believe the PSARC members who voted to approve this case Wednesday
> did so with the understanding that optional option-arguments could be
> parsed unambiguously. ?Therefore, the form:
> ? ? ? ?ls --color optional_option_argument
> can't be accepted.

I agree.

> Hope this helps,
> Don

I believe so, thank you very much!

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