I just changed the subject line of the email to reflect the modified 
name of the project to avoid any confusion.

Raj Prakash wrote:
> Here is an updated proposal from Douglas. I am setting the new timeout 
> to one week from now on 01/21/2009.
> Raj
> The case has been retitled, and additional text added, to make it 
> clear that
> the project is to bundle the Sun C and C++ compilers and dbx into 
> Nevada so
> to make them available as the default set of compilers for any 
> distribution
> of Solaris.  Their relationship to the unbundled compilers of Sun 
> Studio and
> how the Sun Studio compilers can be installed to override the default
> compilers has been explained.
> ============================================
> Template Version: @(#)onepager.txt 1.35 07/11/07 SMI
> Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>   1.1. Project/Component Working Name: Bundled Compiler Collection
>   1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Douglas Walls (Douglas.Walls at Sun.COM>
>   1.3. Date of This Document: 1/14/2009
>        1.3.1. Date this project was conceived: 10/2008
>   1.4. Name of Major Document Customer(s)/Consumer(s): OpenSolaris
>        1.4.1. The PAC or CPT you expect to review your project: SPDE PAC
>        1.4.2. The ARC(s) you expect to review your project: LSARC
>        1.4.3. The Director/VP who is "Sponsoring" this project: 
> Kurt.Goebel at Sun.Com
>        1.4.4. The name of your business unit: CODE (C/C++ Compilers, 
> Optimization, and Debugger)
>   1.5. Email Aliases:
>        1.5.1. Responsible Manager: Kurt Goebel <Kurt.Goebel at Sun.COM>
>        1.5.2. Responsible Engineer: Douglas Walls <Douglas.Walls at Sun.COM>
>        1.5.3. Marketing Manager: Ikroop Dhillon <Ikroop.Dhillon at sun.com>
>        1.5.4. Interest List: tools-compilers at opensolaris.org
> 2. Project Summary
>   2.1. Project Description:
>     The project will deliver C, C++ and dbx from the current Sun
>     Studio Express release into Nevada through the devpro
>     consolidation.  The intent is to bundle Sun compilers into
>     /usr.  We are not bundling all of Sun Studio.  This collection
>     only contains C and C++ compilers along with their debugger,
>     dbx.
>   2.2. Risks and Assumptions:
>        No known risks or assumptions at this time.
> 3. Business Summary
>   3.1. Problem Area:
>        Default compilers on OpenSolaris
>        Default compilers bundled with all distribution of Solaris
>   3.2. Market/Requester:
>        OpenSolaris
>   3.3. Business Justification:
>        Encourage FOSS inclusion into OpenSolaris repositories by
>        minimizing compiler-related porting effort.
>        Provide a bundled set of compilers for any distribution of 
> Solaris.
>     The target customers are people building software on Solaris
>     Nevada derived distributions.  Not necessarily people building
>     Solaris itself.  The culture of Nevada is for consolidations to
>     deliver the latest semi-stable development builds, which are
>     periodically updated.  This closely matches the Sun Studio
>     Express release cycle.
>   3.4. Competitive Analysis:
>        Main competitors:  Platforms & Tool Suite Offerings
>        - Red Hat: GCC (bundled and supported)
>        - Windows: Microsoft Visual Studio (unbundled)
>        - MacOS: Xcode (gcc-based), LLVM effort
>   3.5. Opportunity Window/Exposure:
>        04/2009 to coincide with the next release of OpenSolaris.
>   3.6. How will you know when you are done?:
>        The project will be on-going always tracking the latest express
>        release of Sun Studio C, C++ and dbx
> 4. Technical Description:
>    4.1. Details:
>     - The design of the Sun compilers precludes just installing
>       them into /usr/bin, /usr/lib, etc. without significant
>       redesign.  We need a location into which to install the
>       compiler components, with symlinks to those components
>       installed in /usr/bin and /usr/share/man.  The delivery will
>       install the bundled compiler collection components into
>       /usr/compilers/{bin,lib,...}, with symlinks in /usr/bin and
>       /usr/share/man.  We chose the name 'compilers' to
>       intentionally indicate these are the
>       default|builtin|preferred|bundled compilers.  There will not
>       be multiple versions, there will only be one set of bundled
>       compilers.  Versions of the unbundled Sun Studio will
>       continue to install into /opt, i.e. /opt/sunstudio13,
>       /opt/sunstudio14, etc..  Note Sun Studio also provides an
>       optional package for installing links in /usr/bin and
>       /usr/share/man, these would then override the links of this
>       bundled compiler as it does previously installed versions of
>       Sun Studio.
>     - The first delivery will be the C, C++ and dbx components of
>       Sun Studio Express 2008.11 release..
>        - Links will be created in /usr/bin, e.g. /usr/bin/cc,
>          /usr/bin/CC, /usr/bin/dbx, etc., to point to the appropriate
>          binaries /usr/compilers.
>        - Links will be created in /usr/man, e.g. /usr/man/man1/cc,
>          /usr/man/man1/CC, /usr/man/man1/dbx, etc., to
>          point to man pages in /usr/compilers/man/man1.
>    4.2. Bug/RFE Number(s):
>        Not applicable.
>    4.3. In Scope:
>        - C, C++ compilers and dbx
>    4.4. Out of Scope:
>    4.5. Interfaces:
>        The following soft links will be created in /usr/bin to point to
>        the appropriate binaries of /usr/compilers/suncc2008.11/bin.  We
>        may choose to omit some of these links which do not contribute
>        to minimizing compiler-related porting efforts to encourage FOSS
>        inclussion into OpenSolaris repositories.
>        /usr/bin/bcheck
>        /usr/bin/c++filt
>        /usr/bin/c89
>        /usr/bin/c99
>        /usr/bin/cb
>        /usr/bin/cc
>        /usr/bin/CC
>        /usr/bin/CCadmin
>        /usr/bin/cflow
>        /usr/bin/cscope
>        /usr/bin/ctcr
>        /usr/bin/ctrace
>        /usr/bin/cxref
>        /usr/bin/dbx
>        /usr/bin/dem
>        /usr/bin/dumpstabs
>        /usr/bin/dwarfdump
>        /usr/bin/fbe
>        /usr/bin/fpversion
>        /usr/bin/indent
>        /usr/bin/lint
>        /usr/bin/rtc_patch_area
>        /usr/bin/sunc89
>        /usr/bin/sunc99
>        /usr/bin/suncc
>        /usr/bin/sunCC
>        /usr/bin/tcov
>    4.6. Doc Impact:
>        Links will be created in /usr/share/man/* for the following man 
> pages:
>        /usr/compilers/man1/CC.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/CCadmin.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/bcheck.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/binopt.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/c++filt.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/c89.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/c99.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/cb.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/cc.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/cflow.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/cscope.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/ctrace.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/cxref.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/dbx.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/dem.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/fbe.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/fpversion.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/indent.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/inline.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/lint.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/rtc_patch_area.1
>        /usr/compilers/man1/ss_attach.1
>        /usr/compilers/man3/gcFixPrematureFrees.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3/gcInitialize.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/cartpol.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/cplx.intro.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/cplxerr.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/cplxexp.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/cplxops.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/cplxtrig.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/filebuf.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/fstream.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/interrupt.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/ios.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/ios.intro.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/istream.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/manip.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/ostream.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/queue.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/sbufprot.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/sbufpub.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/ssbuf.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/stdiobuf.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/stream_MT.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/stream_locker.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/strstream.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/task.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/task.intro.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3cc4/tasksim.3
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_check_free.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_check_malloc.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_check_malloc_result.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_check_realloc.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_check_realloc_result.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_hide_region.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_off.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_on.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_record_free.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_record_malloc.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_record_realloc.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/_rtc_report_error.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man3x/rtc_api.3x
>        /usr/compilers/man4/dbxrc.4
>    4.7. Admin/Config Impact:
>        No change.
>    4.8. HA Impact:
>        No change.
>    4.9. I18N/L10N Impact:
>        Sun Studio C/C++/dbx Collection is I18N
>        L10N to be coordinated with Nevada L10N
>    4.10. Packaging & Delivery:
>        Name                    Stability               Notes
>        ====                    =========               =====
>        SUNWcompilers           Committed               Sun Studio 
> C/C++/dbx core cluster
>        SUNWcompilerlinks       Committed               Sun Studio 
> C/C++/dbx /usr/bin /usr/man links
>    4.11. Security Impact:
>        No impact.
>    4.12. Dependencies:
>        SUNWlibC C++ stdlibs
>        SUNWlibms limtsk, etc.
>        SUNWcar Core Architecture, (Root)
>        SUNWcsd Core Solaris Devices
>        SUNWcsr Core Solaris, (Root)
>        SUNWcsu Core Solaris, (Usr)
>        SUNWesu Extended System Utilities
>        SUNWhea Header files
>        SUNWkvm Core Architecture, (Kvm)
>        SUNWtoo Programming Tools
> 5. Reference Documents:
>        LSARC/2008/776  GNU Developer Collection
>        LSARC/2006/280  Tools DVD for S10u2
>        PSARC/2007/074  /usr/gnu
>          Established precedent of having program visible by multiple 
> names.
> 6. Resources and Schedule:
>   6.1. Projected Availability:
>        April 2009 to coincide with OpenSolaris 2009.04
>   6.2. Cost of Effort:
>        .5 developers.
>   6.3. Cost of Capital Resources:
>        No additional capital resources were required.
>   6.4. Product Approval Committee requested information:
>        6.4.1. Consolidation or Component Name:
>                 Devpro
>        6.4.3. Type of CPT Review and Approval expected:
>                 FastTrack
>        6.4.4. Project Boundary Conditions:
>        6.4.5. Is this a necessary project for OEM agreements:
>                 No
>        6.4.6. Notes:
>        6.4.7. Target RTI Date/Release:
>                 Build 108 02/09/2009.
>        6.4.8. Target Code Design Review Date:
>                 Completed
>        6.4.9. Update approval addition:
>                - SPDE PAC scheduling in progress
>                - Solaris PAC scheduling in progress
>   6.5. ARC review type:
>        FastTrack
>   6.6. ARC Exposure:
>          open
>        6.6.1. Rationale:
>          Not applicable.
> 7. Prototype Availability:
>   7.1. Prototype Availability:
>        Not applicable.
>   7.2. Prototype Cost:
>        Not Applicable.

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