On 01/22/09 13:38, Nicolas Williams wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 01:02:06PM -0800, David.Ford at Sun.COM wrote:
>> /usr/bin links are proposed not for multiple versions, but to avoid
>> re-architecting Sun Studio in the short term.   Our compilers and dbx find
>> other files via relative paths within the directory structure.
> Interesting.  That should be an easy fix, no?


>>                                                                 We do not
>> want to impose our present directory structure on /usr.  We intend to
>> re-architect at some future time, but until then, symlinks in /usr are
>> our answer.
> So put the compilers in /usr/lib/compilers, and make /usr/lib/compilers
> directory and structure beneath not-a-public-interface.

Works for me.  I think others have objected to "compilers" as being too
generic, which is why Chris asked for suggestions.

-- Dave F

>> Given that, the name of the directory we actually install in is almost
>> irrelevant.  We just want something descriptive to appear with "ls /usr".
> I'd rather *nothing* specific to this case show up in "ls /usr".  I
> think that's the right answer.
 > Nico

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