Nicolas Williams wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 03:47:34PM -0800, Danek Duvall wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 05:33:45PM -0600, Nicolas Williams wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 06:28:32PM -0500, Dale Ghent wrote:
>>>> On Jan 22, 2009, at 4:17 PM, David.Ford at wrote:
>>>>> May I suggest /usr/suncc (short for Sun
>>>>> Compiler Collection).
>>>> I like that.
>>> I think I just wrested a concession, that a directory under /usr is not
>>> needed.  A directory under /usr/lib, with symlinks from /usr/bin, should
>>> do until the i-team is able to spread the bundled bits into the correct
>>> locations.
>> Except that in a parallel thread, Chris told us that there's a bin
>> directory that users will have to access, as not all things that are there
>> will have symlinks in /usr/bin (such as "version").  Yes, that could be
>> /usr/lib/suncc/bin, but is that better than /usr/suncc/bin?
> Oh well.  I tried :)  So count me in favor of /usr/suncc.

I'm also happy with /usr/suncc, except that the opposite argument to not 
using studio comes into play in the future when more rest of what is now 
Sun Studio does get bundled into /usr.

Naming is hard, in particular because marketing names change over time 
(as the compilers team(s) know all too well!).

Why not simply /usr/spro/$VERSION yes it isn't the full thing but even 
in /opt/SUNWspro/$VERSION it is common not to have a "full" install (or 
at least it used to be when the components each cost money and were 
licensed separately).  Or /usr/lib/spro/.

As long as it isn't /usr/compilers and at least hints that is is the Sun 
developed compiler I'm happy.

Darren J Moffat

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