

On 2/2/09, Garrett D'Amore <gdamore at sun.com> wrote:
> +1.
>     - Garrett
>  Alan Hargreaves wrote:
>  > I'm sponsoring this fast-track request on behalf of the
>  > ksh93-integration project.
>  >
>  > Please note that this is an *open* case.
>  >
>  > Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase %I% %G% SMI
>  > This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
>  > 1. Introduction
>  >     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>  >        ksh93 update 2
>  >     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>  >        Author:  Alan Hargreaves
>  >     1.3  Date of This Document:
>  >       01 February, 2009
>  > 4. Technical Description
>  >
>  > The release binding is the same as with the previous ksh93 project: a
>  > patch/micro release of Solaris delivering through OS/Net.  Stability
>  > levels are as described below.
>  >
>  > Additional materials (man pages and diffs) can be found in the
>  > 'materials' subdirectory.
>  >
>  > This project is an amendment to the Korn Shell 93 Integration project
>  > (PSARC/2006/550, PSARC/2006/587, PSARC/2007/035 and PSARC/2008/344)
>  > specifying the following additional interfaces:
>  >
>  > 1) Update of ksh93 interfaces
>  > 1.1) New "typeset" variable type qualifier ("-C") to declare compound
>  >      variables
>  > 1.2) New "typeset" option "-m" to rename/move a variable
>  > 1.3) New "read" option "-C" to read a variable as compound variable
>  > 1.4) New "print" option "-C" to print compound variables as a
>  >      single line
>  > 1.5) New ksh93 math functions "log10", "j0", "j1", "jn", "y0",
>  >      "y1", "yn"
>  > 1.6) Interface stability change of the POSIX shell command language
>  >      parts of the ksh93 language
>  >
>  > 2) An enhanced version of the "cmp" utility and an identical ksh93
>  >    built-in command
>  >
>  > 3) An enhanced version of the "cut" utility and an identical ksh93
>  >    built-in command
>  >
>  > 4) An enhanced version of the "comm" utility and an identical ksh93
>  >    built-in command
>  >
>  > 5) An enhanced version of the "paste" utility and an identical ksh93
>  >    built-in command
>  >
>  > 6) The addition of /usr/bin/print
>  >
>  > 7) An enhanced version of the "uniq" utility and an identical ksh93
>  >    built-in command
>  >
>  > 8) An enhanced version of the "wc" utility and an identical ksh93
>  >    built-in command
>  >
>  > 9) Addition of /usr/share/doc/ksh/ for ksh93 documentation.
>  >
>  > 10) Enable "globstar" mode for interactive shells via /etc/ksh.kshrc
>  >
>  >
>  > Bug/RFE Number(s):
>  >
>  > 6793744 RFE: Add /usr/share/doc/ksh/ for ksh93 documentation
>  > 6793763 RFE: Update /usr/bin/ksh93 to ast-ksh.2009-01-14
>  > 6793722 RFE: Update /usr/bin/cmp to AT&T AST "cmp"
>  > 6793714 RFE: Update /usr/bin/comm to AT&T AST "comm"
>  > 6793719 RFE: Update /usr/bin/cut to AT&T AST "cut"
>  > 6793721 RFE: Update /usr/bin/paste to AT&T AST "paste"
>  > 6793747 RFE: Provide "print" builtin as /usr/bin/print for external 
> applications
>  > 6793726 RFE: Update /usr/bin/uniq to AT&T AST "uniq"
>  > 6793735 RFE: Update /usr/bin/wc to AT&T AST "wc"
>  > 6794952 RFE: Enable "globstar" option in /etc/ksh.kshrc
>  >
>  >
>  > Interface                       Stability        Description
>  > ---------                       ---------        -----------
>  > <POSIX Shell Command Language     Commited         <IEEE Std 1003.1-2008
>  >  part of the ksh93 language>                        Shell Command
>  >                                                     Language>
>  > /usr/bin/cmp                      Commited         cmp command
>  > /usr/bin/comm                     Commited         comm command
>  > /usr/bin/cut                      Commited         cut command
>  > /usr/bin/paste                    Commited         paste command
>  > /usr/bin/print                    Uncommited       print command
>  > /usr/bin/uniq                     Commited         uniq command
>  > /usr/bin/wc                       Commited         wc command
>  > <new C99 math function "log10">   Commited         C99 math functions
>  > <new C99 math function "j0">      Commited         C99 math functions
>  > <new C99 math function "j1">      Commited         C99 math functions
>  > <new C99 math function "jn">      Commited         C99 math functions
>  > <new C99 math function "y0">      Commited         C99 math functions
>  > <new C99 math function "y1">      Commited         C99 math functions
>  > <new C99 math function "yn">      Commited         C99 math functions
>  >
>  > Detail
>  > ======
>  >
>  > 1. Update of ksh93 interfaces
>  > -----------------------------
>  >
>  > 1.1 New "typeset" variable type qualifier ("-C") to declare compound
>  >     variables
>  >
>  > The "typeset" builtin has a new option "-C" (previously declared as
>  > "reserved for future usage") to declare a variable as a compound
>  > variable. If value names a compound variable it will be copied to name.
>  > Otherwise if the variable already exists, it will first be unset. This
>  > replaces the previous implicit declaration on assignment (e.g.
>  > $ typeset -C foo # instead of $ foo=() #).
>  >
>  > 1.2 New "typeset" option "-m" to rename/move a variable
>  >
>  > The "typeset" builtin has a new option "-m" to rename/move a variable.
>  > This is useful to split/merge variable trees or move parts of variable
>  > trees around.
>  >
>  > 1.3 New "read" option "-C" to read a variable as compound variable
>  >
>  > The "read" builtin has a new option "-C" to read the input into a
>  > compound variable (this can be used to construct "record-oriented"
>  > pipes).
>  >
>  > 1.4 New "print" option "-C" to print compound variables as a single line
>  >
>  > The "print" builtin has a new option "-C" to print compound variables
>  > as a single line (the existing $ print -v varname # and
>  > $ printf '%B\n' varname # prints a multiline, human-friendly output),
>  > equivalent to $ printf "%#B\n" varname #.
>  >
>  > The idea is to allow compound variables to be filtered in pipelines, e.g.
>  > $ ... ; while ... ; do print -C myvar done | \
>  >   egrep -v '.*=hasfish.*' | \
>  >   while read -C filtered_vars ; do \
>  >       ...
>  >   done
>  >
>  > 1.5 New ksh93 math functions "log10", "j0", "j1", "jn", "y0", "y1", "yn"
>  >
>  > Function name  | Prototype                            | see manual page
>  > ---------------+--------------------------------------+-----------------
>  >          log10 |        float            log10(float) |       log10(3m)
>  >             j0 |        float               j0(float) |          j0(3m)
>  >             j1 |        float               j1(float) |          j1(3m)
>  >             jn |        float               jn(float) |          jn(3m)
>  >             y0 |        float               y0(float) |          y0(3m)
>  >             y1 |        float               y1(float) |          y1(3m)
>  >             yn |        float               yn(float) |          yn(3m)
>  >
>  >
>  > (note: the datatypes "integer" and "float" refer to the "integer" and
>  > "float" datatypes in ksh93 scripts, not those in the "C" language)
>  >
>  > 1.6 Interface stability change of the POSIX shell command language parts
>  >     of the ksh93 language
>  >
>  > The interface stabilty of POSIX shell command language parts of the
>  > ksh93 language are updated from "Uncommited" to "Commited" (the
>  > ksh93-specific language parts not defined in "IEEE Std 1003.1-2008
>  > Shell Command Language" remain "Uncommited").
>  >
>  > The POSIX shell command language is described in
>  > http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html
>  >
>  > 2. Enhancement of /usr/bin/cmp
>  > ------------------------------
>  >
>  > The second part of this project specifies an enhancement to
>  > /usr/bin/cmp and based on the AT&T AST "cmp" command.
>  >
>  > The AT&T AST version of the "cmp" utility provides support for the
>  > following additional options found commonly in other implementations
>  > such as GNU and BSD:
>  >
>  >     -c, --print-chars
>  >     -i, --ignore-initial=skip
>  >     --verbose (same as existing -l)
>  >     -s, --quiet|silent
>  >     --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
>  >
>  > The stability of the "/usr/bin/cmp" command and built-in command-line
>  > interface (including the new options) is "Committed".
>  >
>  > For further information/specifications see the materials directory.
>  >
>  > 3. Enhancement of /usr/bin/cut
>  > ------------------------------
>  >
>  > The third part of this project specifies an enhancement to /usr/bin/cut
>  > and based on the AT&T AST "cut" command.
>  >
>  > The AT&T AST version of the "cut" utility provides support for the
>  > following additional options found commonly in other implementations
>  > such as GNU and BSD:
>  >
>  >     --bytes=list (same as existing -b)
>  >     --characters=list (same as existing -c)
>  >     --delimiter=delim (same as existing -d)
>  >     --fields=list (same as existing -f)
>  >     --nosplit (same as existing -n)
>  >     -R|r, --reclen=reclen
>  >     -D, --line-delimeter|output-delimiter=ldelim
>  >     -N, --nonewline
>  >     --suppress|only-delimited (same as existing -s)
>  >     --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
>  >
>  > The stability of the "/usr/bin/cut" command and built-in command-line
>  > interface (including the new options) is "Committed".
>  >
>  > For further information/specifications see the materials directory.
>  >
>  > 4. Enhancement of /usr/bin/comm
>  > -------------------------------
>  >
>  > The fourth part of this project specifies an enhancement to
>  > /usr/bin/comm and based on the AT&T AST "comm" command.
>  >
>  > The AT&T AST version of the "comm" utility provides support for the
>  > following additional options found commonly in other implementations
>  > such as GNU and BSD:
>  >
>  >     --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
>  >
>  > The stability of the "/usr/bin/comm" command and built-in command-line
>  > interface (including the new options) is "Committed".
>  >
>  > For further information/specifications see the materials directory.
>  >
>  > 5. Enhancement of /usr/bin/paste
>  > --------------------------------
>  >
>  > The fifth part of this project specifies an enhancement to
>  > /usr/bin/paste and based on the AT&T AST "paste" command.
>  >
>  > The AT&T AST version of the "paste" utility provides support for the
>  > following additional options found commonly in other implementations
>  > such as GNU and BSD:
>  >
>  >     --serial (same as existing -s)
>  >     --delimiters=list (same as existing -d)
>  >     --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
>  >
>  > The stability of the "/usr/bin/paste" command and built-in command-line
>  > interface (including the new options) is "Committed".
>  >
>  > For further information/specifications see the materials directory.
>  >
>  > 6. The addition of /usr/bin/print
>  > ---------------------------------
>  >
>  > The sixth part of this project specifies a new utility called
>  > "/usr/bin/print" which exposes the ksh93 builtin command "print" as
>  > interface for other scripts/utilities.
>  >
>  > Unlike other built-in commands named in PSARC/2006/550, the "print"
>  > built-in in ksh93 will _not_ be bound to the /usr/bin/ pathname to
>  > ensure backwards-compatiblity to existing ksh93 scripts (for example
>  > scripts running in "restricted" shell mode expect that some shell
>  > builtins are available independently from the value of ${PATH}).
>  >
>  > The stability of the "/usr/bin/print" command and built-in command-line
>  > interface and the system variables documented in print(1) is
>  > "Uncommitted".
>  >
>  > For further information/specifications see the materials directory.
>  >
>  > 7. Enhancement of /usr/bin/uniq
>  > -------------------------------
>  >
>  > The seventh part of this project specifies an enhancement to
>  > /usr/bin/uniq and based on the AT&T AST "uniq" command.
>  >
>  > The AT&T AST version of the "uniq" utility provides support for the
>  > following additional options found commonly in other implementations
>  > such as GNU and BSD:
>  >
>  >     --count (same as existing -c)
>  >     --repeated|duplicates (same as existing -d)
>  >     -D, --all-repeated[=delimit]
>  >     --skip-fields=fields (same as existing -f)
>  >     -i, --ignore-case
>  >     --skip-chars=chars (same as existing -s)
>  >     --unique (same as existing -u)
>  >     -w, --check-chars=chars
>  >     --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
>  >
>  > The stability of the "/usr/bin/uniq" command and built-in command-line
>  > interface (including the new options) is "Committed".
>  >
>  > For further information/specifications see the materials directory.
>  >
>  > 8. Enhancement of /usr/bin/wc
>  > -----------------------------
>  >
>  > The eighth part of this project specifies an enhancement to /usr/bin/wc
>  > and based on the AT&T AST "wc" command.
>  >
>  > The AT&T AST version of the "wc" utility provides support for the
>  > following additional options found commonly in other implementations
>  > such as GNU and BSD:
>  >
>  >     --lines (same as existing -l)
>  >     --words (same as existing -w)
>  >     --bytes|chars (same as existing  -c)
>  >     --multibyte-chars (same as existing -m/-C)
>  >     -L, --longest-line|max-line-length
>  >     --man, --html, --nroff, --help, --version
>  >
>  > The stability of the "/usr/bin/wc" command and built-in command-line
>  > interface (including the new options) is "Committed".
>  >
>  > For further information/specifications see the materials directory.
>  >
>  > 9. Addition of /usr/share/doc/ksh/
>  > ----------------------------------
>  >
>  > The ninth part of this project specifies a new directory to store ksh's
>  > documentation.
>  >
>  > 10. Enable "globstar" mode for interactive shells
>  > -------------------------------------------------
>  >
>  > The tenth portion of this project specifies to enable the
>  > "globstar"([1]) mode in "/etc/ksh.kshrc" for interactive ksh93 shell
>  > sessions to improve end-user usabilty, similar to the default
>  > configuration found on SuSE Linux and the default of bash version 3.x.
>  >
>  > [1]=The "globstar" mode (enabled via $ set -o globstar #) causes ** by
>  > itself to also match all sub-directories during pathname expansion.
>  >
>  >
>  > 6. Resources and Schedule
>  >     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>  >       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>  >               ON
>  >     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>  >     6.6. ARC Exposure: open
>  >
>  >
>  _______________________________________________
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>  opensolaris-arc at opensolaris.org

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