Darren J Moffat wrote:
> Tom Childers wrote:
>> Thanks George.
>> At our meeting this morning, I agreed to sponsor the case if we need 
>> to derail it into a full review. So I look forward to a clean proposal 
>> that allows us to complete this as a fast-track.  We're extending the 
>> fast-track timer to close-of-business Friday to resolve this issue.
> Please put the case in "waiting need spec" and start a new 1 week timer 
> when the new spec arrives for review.
> This ensures that if the new spec is available with sufficient time to 
> review it.
> -- 
> Darren J Moffat


Thanks for your many comments and helpful feedback.  Attached, please 
find a revised proposal. It contains major changes to the previous 
proposal as follows:

1)  GCC commands will be installed directly into /usr/bin with version 
suffixes rather than a version prefixed install path.

2)  Binutils will be installed directly into /usr/bin with no versioning.

3)  Runtime libraries will be installed directly into /usr/lib.

There were several factors motivating these changes:

1)  Red Hat, SUSE, and Ubuntu all install GCC in /usr/bin.  Versioning 
is via suffixes on platforms that support it.  This is also documented 
on the gcc man page and will allow the -V <version> option to function 

2)  GNU discourages the use -R required to support the versioned library 
path in our original proposal:


3)  The GCC runtime libraries are built with SONAME set to the major 
version, e.g. libstdc++.so.6.0.10 SONAME is set to libstdc++.so.6.  This 
implies to me compatibility is expected as long as the major version 
matches.  Even with multiple version of libraries installed, say 
libstdc++.so.6.0.x and libstdc++.so.6.0.y, programs will get whichever 
version is linked to libstdc++.so.6.

4)  PSARC/2008/378, "Move gcc and binutils from /usr/sfw/bin to 
/usr/bin", approved last summer but never integrated proposed a very 
similar install structure.

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