I am sponsoring this familiarity case for Vivek Titarmare. It requests minor 
binding and times out 02/18/2009. This Fast Track represents a component of 
LSARC 2008/748 - Drools.
The FOSS checklist, man page and javadoc are in the case directory and
the checklist and man page are attached.

-- mark

Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase %I% %G% SMI
This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
1. Introduction
    1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
    1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
         Author:  Vivek Titarmare
    1.3  Date of This Document:
        11 February, 2009

2. Project Summary
   2.1 Project Description

        Java runtime API for rule engines.

4. Technical Description:

        The interfaces and classes defined by the specification are in the 
javax.rules and javax.rules.admin packages. The javax.rules package contains 
classes and interfaces that are aimed at runtime clients of the rule engine. 
The runtime client API exposes methods to acquire a rule session for a 
registered rule execution set and interact with the rule session. The 
administrator API exposes methods to load an execution set from these external 
resources:URI, InputStream, XML Element, binary abstract syntax tree, or 
Reader. The administrator API also provides methods to register and unregister 
rule execution sets. Only registered rule execution sets are accessible through 
the runtime client API. A packaging separation between the runtime client API 
and the administrator API was made to reinforce the distinction between 
executing a rule execution set that has been previously loaded and registered 
into the runtime environment by an administrator, and the dynamic loading and 
  of external resources. The later actions can only be performed using the 
classes and interfaces in the javax.rules.admin package.

5. Interfaces 

   Exported interface                   Classification          Interface type
   =============================        ==============          ==============
        * Handle                        Uncommitted             Interface
        * ObjectFilter                  Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleExecutionSetMetadata      Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleRuntime                   Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleSession                   Uncommitted             Interface
        * StatefulRuleSession           Uncommitted             Interface
        * StatelessRuleSession          Uncommitted             Interface

        * LocalRuleExecutionSetProvider Uncommitted             Interface
        * Rule                          Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleAdministrator             Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleExecutionSet              Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleExecutionSetProvider      Uncommitted             Interface

   The Jar file would go in "usr/share/lib/java"

   Imported interface        Classification   Comments
   =======================   ==============   

6. Resources and Schedule
    6.4. Steering Committee requested information
        6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
    6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
    6.6. ARC Exposure: open

FCL--FOSS Check List

1.0 Project Information
1.1 Name of project/component
        jsr94 Ver 1.0.3

1.2 Author of document
        Vivek R. Titarmare

2.0 Project Summary
  2.1 Project Description
        Java runtime API for rule engines.

        This case is a dependency for LSARC 2008/748 - Drools. Drools is a 
dependency for PSARC 2007/210 Automatic Data Migration (ADM).
        Interface stabilities and contracts will be added to the consuming 
case(s) as needed.

  2.2 Release binding
      What is is the release binding?
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/release-taxonomy/)
      [ ] Major
      [X] Minor
      [ ] Patch or Micro
      [ ] Unknown -- ARC review required

  2.3 Type of project
      Is this case a Linux Familiarity project?
      [X] Yes
      [ ] No

  2.4 Originating Community
    2.4.1 Community Name
        Java Rule Engine API. Java Community Process.  
    2.4.2 Community Involvement
      Indicate Sun's involvement in the community
      [ ] Maintainer
      [ ] Contributor
      [X] Monitoring
      Will the project team work with the upstream community to resolve
      architectural issues of interest to Sun?
      [X] Yes 
      [ ] No - briefly explain
      Will we or are we forking from the community?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required prior to forking
      [X] No
3.0 Technical Description
  3.1 Installation & Sharable
    3.1.1S Solaris Installation - section only required for Solaris Software
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/install-locations/ 
for details)
      Does this project follow the Install Locations best practice?
      [X] Yes 
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      Does this project install into /usr under 
      [X] Yes
      [ ] No or N/A
      Does this project install into /opt?
      [ ] Yes - explain below
      [X] No or N/A
      Does this project install into a different directory structure?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No or N/A
      Do any of the components of this project conflict with anything under 
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/caselog/2007/047/ for 
      [ ] Yes - explain below
      [X] No
      If conflicts exist then will this project install under /usr/gnu?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      [X] N/A
      Is this project installing into /usr/sfw?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No
    3.1.1W Windows Installation - section only required for Windows Software
      (see http://sac.sfbay/WSARC/2002/494 for details)
      Does this project install software into a 
      <system drive>:\Program Files\Sun\<product> or <system 
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      Does the project use the Windows registry?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      Does the project use 
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sun Microsystems\<product>\<version>
      for the registry key?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      Is the project's stored location
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sun Microsystems\<product id>\<version 
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
    3.1.2 Share and Sharable
      Does the module include any components that are used or shared by 
      other projects?
      [X] Yes
      [ ] No
      If yes are these components packaged to be shared with the other FOSS?
      [X] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      [ ] N/A
      Are these components already in the Solaris WOS?
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No - continue with next section (section 3.2)
      If yes are these newer versions being delivered?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      If yes are the newer versions replacing the existing versions?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required

  3.2 Exported Libraries
      Are libraries being delivered by this project?
      [X] Yes
      [ ] No - continue with next section (section 3.3)
      Are 64-bit versions of the libraries being delivered?
      [X] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      Are static versions of the libraries being delivered?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No 
  3.3 Services and the /etc Directory
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/SMF-policy/)
      Does the project integrate anything into /etc/init.d or /etc/rc?.d?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No
      Does the project integrate any new entries into /etc/inittab or
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No
      Does the project integrate any private non-public files into /etc/default
      or /etc/ configuration files?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No
      Does the service manifests method context grant rights above that
      of the noaccess user and basic privilege set?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No
  3.4 Security
    3.4.1 Secure By Default 
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/secure-by-default/ 
for details)
      (see http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/NITS-policy/ 
for details)
      (see parts of 
http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/SMF-policy/ for
       addtional details)
      Are there any network services provided by this project?
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No - continue with the next section (section 3.4.2)
      Are network services enabled by default?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [ ] No
      [X] N/A
      Are network services automatically enabled by the project during 
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [ ] No
      [X] N/A
      Are inbound network communications denied by default?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      [X] N/A
      Is inbound data checked to prevent content-based attacks?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      [X] N/A
      Is the outbound receiver authenticated?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      [X] N/A
      Is the receiver authenticated prior to receiving any sensitive outbound 
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      [X] N/A
    3.4.2 Authorization
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/rbac-intro/ and
           for details)
      Are there any setuid/setgid privileged binaries in the project?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No - continue with next section (section 3.4.3)
      If yes then are the setuid/setgid privileges handled by the use of roles?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required

    3.4.3 Auditing
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/audit-policy/ for 
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/caselog/2003/397 for details)
      Does this component contain administrative or security enforcing software?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.4)
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/caselog/2003/397 for details)
      Do the components create audit logs detailing what took place including 
what event
      took place, who was involved, when the event took place?
      [ ] Yes - ARC contract and Audit project team review required
      [ ] No - ARC review required
    3.4.4 Authentication
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/PAM/)
      Do the components contain any authentication code?
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.5)
      If yes do the components use PAM (plugable authentication modules) for 
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      If yes is a single PAM session maintained during authentication?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      If yes are the components sufficiently privileged to allow the requested 
      operations (authentication, password change, process credential 
      audit state initialization)?
      [ ] Yes - briefly describe below
      [ ] No - ARC review required
    3.4.5 Passwords
      (see http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/passwords-cli/ 
http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/passwords-files/ for 
      Do any of the components for the project deal with passwords?
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.6)
      If yes are these passwords entered via the CLI or environment?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [ ] No
      Are passwords stored within the file system for the component?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.6)
      If yes are the permissions on the file such to protect exposing the 
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
    3.4.6 General Security Questions
http://opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/bestpractices/security-questions/ for 
      Are there any network protocols used by this project?
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No - continue with the next section (section 3.5)
      Do the components use standard network protocols?
      [ ] Yes
      [ ] No - ARC review required
      Do network services for the project make decisions based upon user, host 
      service identities?
      [ ] Yes - explain below
      [ ] No
      [ ] N/A
      Do the components make use of secret information during authentication 
      [ ] Yes - explain below
      [ ] No
      [ ] N/A
  3.5 Networking
      Do the components access the network?
      [ ] Yes
      [X] No - continue with the next section (section 3.6)
      If yes do the components support IPv6?
      [ ] Yes 
      [ ] No - ARC review required
  3.6 Core Solaris Components
      Do the components of this project compete with or duplicate core 
      Solaris components?
      [ ] Yes - ARC review required
      [X] No 
4.0 Interfaces
  (see http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/arc/policies/interface-taxonomy/ 
for details)
  4.1 Exported Interfaces
    Interface Name                      Classification          Comments
    --------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------
        * Handle                        Uncommitted             Interface
        * ObjectFilter                  Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleExecutionSetMetadata      Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleRuntime                   Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleSession                   Uncommitted             Interface
        * StatefulRuleSession           Uncommitted             Interface
        * StatelessRuleSession          Uncommitted             Interface

        * LocalRuleExecutionSetProvider Uncommitted             Interface
        * Rule                          Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleAdministrator             Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleExecutionSet              Uncommitted             Interface
        * RuleExecutionSetProvider      Uncommitted             Interface

   The Jar file would go in "usr/share/lib/java"

  4.2 Imported Interfaces
    Interface Name              Classification       Comments
    --------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------
Appendix B - Suggested case materials
  1. man pages

     Attached are the zipped Java docs (jsr94.zip_)

  2. SMF manifests
  3. links to contracts
Introduction to Library Functions                        jsr94(3)

     jsr94 - Java Rule Engine API

     jsr94(3)  Java runtime API for rule engines. For  additional
     information  on  using jsr94, browse the complete html docu-
     mentation at:


     ASL 2.0


          jsr94 jar file


          jsr94 API documentation generated with javadoc.

     See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-

    | Availability       |  SUNWjsr94      |
    | Interface Stability|  Uncommitted    |


     Source for jsr94 is available on http://opensolaris.org

SunOS 5.10           Last change: 4 Feb 2009                    1

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