Mark Carlson wrote:
> I am sponsoring this familiarity case for Vivek Titarmare. It requests minor 
> binding and times out 02/18/2009. This Fast Track represents a component of 
> LSARC 2008/748 - Drools.
> The FOSS checklist, man page and javadoc are in the case directory and
> the checklist and man page are attached.
> -- mark
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase %I% %G% SMI
> This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        jsr94
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Vivek Titarmare
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       11 February, 2009
> 2. Project Summary
>    2.1 Project Description
>       Java runtime API for rule engines.
> 4. Technical Description:
>       The interfaces and classes defined by the specification are in the 
> javax.rules and javax.rules.admin packages. The javax.rules package contains 
> classes and interfaces that are aimed at runtime clients of the rule engine. 
> The runtime client API exposes methods to acquire a rule session for a 
> registered rule execution set and interact with the rule session. The 
> administrator API exposes methods to load an execution set from these 
> external resources:URI, InputStream, XML Element, binary abstract syntax 
> tree, or Reader. The administrator API also provides methods to register and 
> unregister rule execution sets. Only registered rule execution sets are 
> accessible through the runtime client API. A packaging separation between the 
> runtime client API and the administrator API was made to reinforce the 
> distinction between executing a rule execution set that has been previously 
> loaded and registered into the runtime environment by an administrator, and 
> the dynamic loading and executi!
>   of external resources. The later actions can only be performed using the 
> classes and interfaces in the javax.rules.admin package.
> 5. Interfaces 
>    Exported interface                   Classification                
> Interface type
>    =============================        ==============                
> ==============
>    javax.rules
>       * Handle                        Uncommitted             Interface
>       * ObjectFilter                  Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleExecutionSetMetadata      Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleRuntime                   Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleSession                   Uncommitted             Interface
>       * StatefulRuleSession           Uncommitted             Interface
>       * StatelessRuleSession          Uncommitted             Interface
>    javax.rules.admin 
>       * LocalRuleExecutionSetProvider Uncommitted             Interface
>       * Rule                          Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleAdministrator             Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleExecutionSet              Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleExecutionSetProvider      Uncommitted             Interface
>    The Jar file would go in "usr/share/lib/java"
>    Imported interface        Classification   Comments
>    =======================   ==============   
> =================================== 
>       None
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               SFW
>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open
> FCL--FOSS Check List
> 1.0 Project Information
> 1.1 Name of project/component
>       jsr94 Ver 1.0.3
> 1.2 Author of document
>       Vivek R. Titarmare
> 2.0 Project Summary
>   2.1 Project Description
>       Java runtime API for rule engines.
>       This case is a dependency for LSARC 2008/748 - Drools. Drools is a 
> dependency for PSARC 2007/210 Automatic Data Migration (ADM).
>       Interface stabilities and contracts will be added to the consuming 
> case(s) as needed.
>   2.2 Release binding
>       What is is the release binding?
>       (see
>       [ ] Major
>       [X] Minor
>       [ ] Patch or Micro
>       [ ] Unknown -- ARC review required
>   2.3 Type of project
>       Is this case a Linux Familiarity project?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No
>   2.4 Originating Community
>     2.4.1 Community Name
>       Java Rule Engine API. Java Community Process.  
> (      
>     2.4.2 Community Involvement
>       Indicate Sun's involvement in the community
>       [ ] Maintainer
>       [ ] Contributor
>       [X] Monitoring
>       Will the project team work with the upstream community to resolve
>       architectural issues of interest to Sun?
>       [X] Yes 
>       [ ] No - briefly explain
>       Will we or are we forking from the community?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required prior to forking
>       [X] No
> 3.0 Technical Description
>   3.1 Installation & Sharable
>     3.1.1S Solaris Installation - section only required for Solaris Software
>       (see 
> for 
> details)
>       Does this project follow the Install Locations best practice?
>       [X] Yes 
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Does this project install into /usr under 
> [sbin|bin|lib|include|man|share]?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No or N/A
>       Does this project install into /opt?
>       [ ] Yes - explain below
>       [X] No or N/A
>       Does this project install into a different directory structure?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No or N/A
>       Do any of the components of this project conflict with anything under 
> /usr?
>       (see for 
> details)
>       [ ] Yes - explain below
>       [X] No
>       If conflicts exist then will this project install under /usr/gnu?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [X] N/A
>       Is this project installing into /usr/sfw?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>     3.1.1W Windows Installation - section only required for Windows Software
>       (see http://sac.sfbay/WSARC/2002/494 for details)
>       Does this project install software into a 
>       <system drive>:\Program Files\Sun\<product> or <system 
> drive>:\Sun\<product>
>       directory?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Does the project use the Windows registry?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Does the project use 
>       HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sun Microsystems\<product>\<version>
>       for the registry key?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Is the project's stored location
>       HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sun Microsystems\<product id>\<version 
> id>\Path?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.1.2 Share and Sharable
>       Does the module include any components that are used or shared by 
>       other projects?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No
>       If yes are these components packaged to be shared with the other FOSS?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [ ] N/A
>       Are these components already in the Solaris WOS?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue with next section (section 3.2)
>       If yes are these newer versions being delivered?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       If yes are the newer versions replacing the existing versions?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>   3.2 Exported Libraries
>       Are libraries being delivered by this project?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - continue with next section (section 3.3)
>       Are 64-bit versions of the libraries being delivered?
>       [X] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Are static versions of the libraries being delivered?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No 
>   3.3 Services and the /etc Directory
>       (see
>       Does the project integrate anything into /etc/init.d or /etc/rc?.d?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>       Does the project integrate any new entries into /etc/inittab or
>       /etc/inetd.conf?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>       Does the project integrate any private non-public files into 
> /etc/default
>       or /etc/ configuration files?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>       Does the service manifests method context grant rights above that
>       of the noaccess user and basic privilege set?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No
>   3.4 Security
>     3.4.1 Secure By Default 
>       (see 
> for 
> details)
>       (see 
> for details)
>       (see parts of 
> for
>        addtional details)
>       Are there any network services provided by this project?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue with the next section (section 3.4.2)
>       Are network services enabled by default?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [ ] No
>       [X] N/A
>       Are network services automatically enabled by the project during 
> installation?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [ ] No
>       [X] N/A
>       Are inbound network communications denied by default?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [X] N/A
>       Is inbound data checked to prevent content-based attacks?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [X] N/A
>       Is the outbound receiver authenticated?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [X] N/A
>       Is the receiver authenticated prior to receiving any sensitive outbound 
> communication?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       [X] N/A
>     3.4.2 Authorization
>       (see 
> and
> and
>            for details)
>       Are there any setuid/setgid privileged binaries in the project?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No - continue with next section (section 3.4.3)
>       If yes then are the setuid/setgid privileges handled by the use of 
> roles?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.4.3 Auditing
>       (see for 
> details)
>       (see for 
> details)
>       Does this component contain administrative or security enforcing 
> software?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.4)
>       (see for 
> details)
>       Do the components create audit logs detailing what took place including 
> what event
>       took place, who was involved, when the event took place?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC contract and Audit project team review required
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.4.4 Authentication
>       (see
>       Do the components contain any authentication code?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.5)
>       If yes do the components use PAM (plugable authentication modules) for 
> authentication?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       If yes is a single PAM session maintained during authentication?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       If yes are the components sufficiently privileged to allow the 
> requested 
>       operations (authentication, password change, process credential 
> manipulation, 
>       audit state initialization)?
>       [ ] Yes - briefly describe below
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.4.5 Passwords
>       (see 
> and
> for 
> details)
>       Do any of the components for the project deal with passwords?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.6)
>       If yes are these passwords entered via the CLI or environment?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [ ] No
>       Are passwords stored within the file system for the component?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - continue to next section (section 3.4.6)
>       If yes are the permissions on the file such to protect exposing the 
> password(s)?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>     3.4.6 General Security Questions
>       (see 
> for 
> details)
>       Are there any network protocols used by this project?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue with the next section (section 3.5)
>       Do the components use standard network protocols?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>       Do network services for the project make decisions based upon user, 
> host or 
>       service identities?
>       [ ] Yes - explain below
>       [ ] No
>       [ ] N/A
>       Do the components make use of secret information during authentication 
> and/or
>       authorization?
>       [ ] Yes - explain below
>       [ ] No
>       [ ] N/A
>   3.5 Networking
>       Do the components access the network?
>       [ ] Yes
>       [X] No - continue with the next section (section 3.6)
>       If yes do the components support IPv6?
>       [ ] Yes 
>       [ ] No - ARC review required
>   3.6 Core Solaris Components
>       Do the components of this project compete with or duplicate core 
>       Solaris components?
>       [ ] Yes - ARC review required
>       [X] No 
> 4.0 Interfaces
>   (see 
> for 
> details)
>   4.1 Exported Interfaces
>     Interface Name                    Classification          Comments
>     --------------------------- ------------------- 
> ---------------------------
>    javax.rules
>       * Handle                        Uncommitted             Interface
>       * ObjectFilter                  Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleExecutionSetMetadata      Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleRuntime                   Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleSession                   Uncommitted             Interface
>       * StatefulRuleSession           Uncommitted             Interface
>       * StatelessRuleSession          Uncommitted             Interface
>    javax.rules.admin 
>       * LocalRuleExecutionSetProvider Uncommitted             Interface
>       * Rule                          Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleAdministrator             Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleExecutionSet              Uncommitted             Interface
>       * RuleExecutionSetProvider      Uncommitted             Interface
>    The Jar file would go in "usr/share/lib/java"
>   4.2 Imported Interfaces
>     Interface Name            Classification       Comments
>     --------------------------- -------------------- 
> --------------------------
>       None    
> Appendix B - Suggested case materials
>   1. man pages
>      Attached are the zipped Java docs (jsr94.zip_)
>   2. SMF manifests
>   3. links to contracts
> Introduction to Library Functions                        jsr94(3)
>      jsr94 - Java Rule Engine API
>      jsr94(3)  Java runtime API for rule engines. For  additional
>      information  on  using jsr94, browse the complete html docu-
>      mentation at:
>           file:/usr/share/lib/java/javadoc/jsr94/index.html
>      ASL 2.0
>      /usr/share/lib/java/jsr94.jar
>           jsr94 jar file
>      /usr/share/lib/java/javadoc/jsr94/index.html
>           jsr94 API documentation generated with javadoc.
>      See attributes(5) for descriptions of the  following  attri-
>      butes:
>      _______________________________________
>     |_______________________________________
>     | Availability       |  SUNWjsr94      |
>     |_______________________________________
>     | Interface Stability|  Uncommitted    |
>     |____________________|_________________|
>      Source for jsr94 is available on
> SunOS 5.10           Last change: 4 Feb 2009                    1

<>    * Mark A. Carlson *
Sr. Architect

*Systems Group*
Phone x69559 / 303-223-6139
Email Mark.Carlson at Sun.COM

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