James Carlson wrote:
> Jim Li writes:
>> Q4. Suggested that each locate implementation has an update service in 
>> smf(5)
>> and a cron job.
>> Currently we are focusing on enriching the open source projects which can
>> be used on Solaris. Don't have enough resources to improve the projects or
>> provide extension function.
>> In Linux distribution, slocate use anacron to update the index file
>> periodically. Anacron is a little bit different from cron job. It
>> executes commands at intervals not at specifed time. It does not
>> assume that the system is running continuously.
> If I understand what you're saying, that seems broken to me.
> It sounds like you're saying that slocate works better on Linux today
> than it will on OpenSolaris once this project integrates because Linux
> has Anacron and OpenSolaris does not, and we provide no alternatives.
> The user will be forced to roll his own solution to the problem --
> either using slocate in a cron job, writing a script using sleep(1),
> or porting over Anacron on his own to fill the gap.

About this small issue of the case: this same limitation applies to any 
number of housekeeping tasks managed by cron; if you only have your machine 
on at certain times, some things don't get done.  <shrug>  I don't see why 
slocate's database is any different, really.

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