On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 02:44:05PM -0800, John Fischer wrote:

>       This tab will allow the user to switch between metacity and 
>       compiz. Compiz will only be available as a choice if the user 
>       X server is supported and configured properly. If this X server 
>       is not configured properly but the underlying driver does support 
>       compiz an option is made available to modify the X server 
>       configuration file.
>       This is provided by compiz-configure. This depends on a private 
>       contract with the Xserver to use /etc/X11/.xorg.conf

What does the end-user have to do to make sure that X is configured
properly?  Or will this be done automatically at some point?

>         These plugins are installed on /usr/lib/compiz. Note that 
>       each user can install additional plugins into the 
>       $(HOME)/compiz/plugins directory.

How does compiz deal with home directories that are shared between
machines?  There's both an architecture (sparc vs x86, once sparc support
is enabled) and a version (compiz ABI v1 vs compiz ABI v2) issue.  Is it
smart enough to load all the plugins present and reject them gracefully if
they're not supported on the running system?  Or do we need to press for a
directory heirarchy?

What happens if a plugin isn't available on a system, but is loaded by the
user's configuration?  Is there anything that could go seriously wrong, or
will the desktop operate as normal aside from that functionality being
missing?  Could that missing functionality be critical in any way?

>       To manage the user settings using gconf as the rest of the GNOME 
>       desktop does the plugin/library compiz-config is used. 
>     4.5. Interfaces:
>         Exported Interfaces 
>         Interface             Stability        Comments 
>         --------------------- ---------------- ----------------------
>        SUNWcompiz             Uncommitted      Package name 
>          /usr/bin/compiz      Uncommitted      Executable of compiz
>          /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator   
>                               Uncommitted      Executable of gtk decorator

What does this executable do?

>          /usr/bin.compiz-configure    
>                               Volatile         Detect whether the hardware
>                                                meet the requirement to run
>                                                  compiz. configure the 
> xorg.conf 
>                                                file is required.
>        /usr/lib/compiz/*.so   Private          Compiz Plugins see (5.1 for
>                                                details)
>          /usr/share/compiz    Uncommitted      Contains all image files
>          ~./compiz/plugins    Uncommitted      Contains all user installed
>                                                  plugins
>          ~./compiz/images     Uncommitted      Contains all images using by
>                                                  user installed plugins
>        SUNWlibcompizconfig    Uncommitted      Package name for configuration
>                                                plugin
>        lib/compizconfig/backends/libini.so
>                               Private          init file style configuration 
>                                                plugin

This path sits under /usr/lib/compiz?  (Thus

The package naming suggests that compiz and compiz fusion haven't fully
come together.  Is there any real point in keeping those packages separate?
Or maintaining the fusion name, now that beryl and compiz have merged?


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