Darren J Moffat writes:
> Gary Winiger wrote:
> >     You could talk with the TX team.  Just like you'd talk with any
> >     other team.  IIRC, part of the C-Team integration list is to
> >     run tests that include TX tests.  They are supposed to now be part
> >     of standard Product Integration Testing.
> If a project has issues with or works differently in zones then there 
> could be a TX impact.  Also if a project provides a GNOME desktop GUI 
> that runs with privilege and/or changes system wide config then there 
> could be a TX impact.

Those are probably the easy cases.  The harder ones are where, for
example, a project handles data from multiple clients, and those
clients might actually have different sensitivity levels.

I don't know if we're doing much (if anything) to make more
applications label-aware, but I think that's potentially one of the
things that would be covered by the new language.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <james.d.carlson at sun.com>
Sun Microsystems / 35 Network Drive        71.232W   Vox +1 781 442 2084
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