<insert Torrey's standard rant about doing architecture reviews over 
email is nuts to begin with>
<insert Torrey's standard rant about architecture reviews require better 

P.S. John I took you off the cc list. :-)

Darren Reed wrote:
> In all of this emailing, can I please ask for something simple:
> MIND YOUR CC-list!
> We *all* read psarc@/psarc-ext@ and chances are that after three
> or four replies, people that partook in it early on don't need to
> receive their own personalised copy.
> Here's a suggestion: if you're not quoting text from someone in
> your email, give some thought about whether or not they need
> to be in the CC list before blindly hitting "Send".  And yes, having
> to delete duplicate copies of email that are no longer interesting
> becomes a waste of time too.
> That's not asking too much, is it?
> Thanks,
> Darren
> John Plocher wrote:
>> 300+ messages from 24 different people in the mail log for a 
>> fasttrack???
>>        76 From: Joerg Schilling
>>        51 From: Garrett D'Amore
>>        34 From: Margot Miller
>>        30 From: Joseph Kowalski
>>        16 From: Ken Erickson and Gary Winiger
>>        14 From: Darren J Moffat
>>         9 From: Shawn Walker and Nicolas Williams
>>         8 From: Casper Dik
>>         6 From: Alan Coopersmith
>>         5 From: Scott Rotondo and James Carlson
>>         4 From: John Plocher, Glenn Fowler, Darren Reed and James C. 
>> McPherson
>>         2 From: Rick Matthews, Jyri Virkki, Don Cragun  and Andrew 
>> Gabriel
>>         1 From: Richard Lowe, Liane Praza, Kyle McDonald and Mark A. 
>> Carlson
>> What the heck are we doing here?  How did this FASTTRACK review
>> get so out of control?  A little blood in the water and we all
>> turn into sharks and piranhas?  Shame on us.
>> I would like all of you to do some serious soul searching here - as
>> ARC members, spectators and project team members - about what should
>> we have done differently and what *must* we change going forward so
>> this embarrassing, demeaning and counterproductive behavior CAN NOT
>> happen again.
>>    -John

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