[Originally sent this to Darren, but forgot to CC PSARC-ext]

Hi Darren,

I got forwarded a pointer to this case that you filed.  Thanks for
taking the time to do this.

> http://sac.eng/Archives/CaseLog/arc/PSARC/2009/430/20090811_darren.moffat

I would recommend using the certificate directory approach instead of
creating a single file with all certificates.

The directory allows us to use a single PEM file per-certificate instead
of having a huge PEM blob.  The single PEM file consumes more memory,
since the whole blob gets loaded into memory.  If the directory is used,
individual keys are loaded into memory instead.

Delivering a single blob also has implications for package delivery.  If
we use a directory, other packages can deliver certs to a common
location, if needed.  The blob approach blocks multiple party certificate
delivery, and requires us to update the entire blob when one certificate
changes.  It would be more elegant to add/remove the affected files from
a certficiate directory.

Since I had to solve this problem for pkg(5), I've already written code
that can extract the certs from mozilla's nss library, or their CVS
server, and then build a directory of certs with corresponding
hash-value named symlinks.  Feel free to use this code instead of
writing more from scratch.



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